
Laundry Shop

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Chapter 1
History of Laundry During the Roman Times, laundry was not done at home. It was done at the public “fulleries” by workers called “fullones”. The “fulleries” consist of a big hall with very large basins in the floor. In these basins, clothes were soaked and cleaned. Materials were further cleaned by workers who “jumped” or “danced” on clothes while they lean on small walls on either side. On the other hand, Ancient Greeks used only water without soap to laundry. As the years go by, there have been improvements on how people wash their clothes. Before, people do their laundry on streams. With the advent of washing machines, people started to do it at home. It’s far more convenient than doing it outside. As …show more content…

And since our business is located near those establishments, it will be easier for the customers to just drop their laundry and then go to anywhere they would like.
Benefits to customers Bubble Force Laundry Shop aims to meet customer’s (satisfaction) expectations. We will make them feel valued by responding to their desired quality service. The business will help the customer to make most of their time for their other activities are one of our main concerns. By offering free pick-up and delivery the business will provide customer a hassle-free service. Thus, customers will not (wouldn’t) make an effort in bringing their laundry because the business already liable for it. The accessibility of the business will be of another advantage for our target market in case of wanting to avail other services or related matters. Paying the service at affordable prices is another benefit that customers will acquire in the business. It will be worthy as we promised to render this good quality service.
Difference to other offerings Bubble Force Laundry Shop offers a free pick-up and delivery service. The customer will just have (to) call or text and give their address and then the delivery boy will pick-up their soiled clothes. One day is the standard lead time for transaction. The business assures the clients that their garments are on safe hands by not mixing their clothes to other’s clothes. This is to prevent losses & damages. And last, Bubble Force Laundry

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