Academic Crib Sheet
Individual Business Analysis Part I
1. Write a paper no more than 2,200 words in which you assume the role of a mutual fund
manager deciding whether to invest in a specific company. You will conduct a business analysis
in the remaining weeks based on the company you select.
2. Select one company from the list: Apple
3. Conduct a SWOTT analysis for the organization you selected. Based on the information
you have gained from this analysis which parts of the SWOTT analysis are most relevant to your
decision of whether or not to invest in this company?
4. Identify the company’s internal and external stakeholders.
5. Describe their wants and needs.
6. Explain how the company is fulfilling
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Who is this driving force behind the technological and marketing behemoth known to the world as Apple? Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The two founded the company on April 1st 1976. From the garage of a family member Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak embarked on an epic journey that would revolutionize the computer industry on a world wide scale. The first machine Jobs and Wozniak conceived was the Apple 1 that sold for six hundred sixty six dollars and sixty six cents. The two managed to sell 200 of the Apple I computers in the first year of production earning themselves a comfortable profit just shy of seven hundred seventy five thousand dollars. In April 1977, the Apple II was released and shown at the first West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco. Apple Computers were firmly established; quickly pulling ahead of two other PCs launched that year – the TRS-80 and Commodore PET. Although more expensive, the Apple had the advantage of color graphics and a floppy disk drive. Over two million Apple IIs were sold. Three years after the release of their second model, the Apple II, sales increased 700 percent to $139 million dollars. In 1980, Apple Computer became a publicly traded company with a market value of $1.2 billion on the very first day of trading. In recent years, Apple has introduced such revolutionary products as the Macbook Air, iPod,
Apple was founded on April 1, 1976. It was founded in Cupertino, California. The founders are Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. In the fall of 1976, Steve Wozniak started working on a new computer. This computer was to be called Apple II. Unfortunately, Apple started to lack in funds, but they knew they were on to something. In November 1976, Mike Markkula gave the young men advice. Mike was a chip industry veteran and ex-Intel manager.
On April 1st of 1976, 2 college dropouts by the name of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded the Apple Computers Company. They later Changed the name to Apple Inc. They started out by selling Apple 1s out of Job’s garage, without a monitor, keyboard, or casing. The Apple 2 revolutionized the computer industry for being the first computer to have color graphics. Sales skyrocketed from $7.8 million to over $117 million in the year of 1980, the year that Apple went public. Wozniak left Apple in 1983 due to a fading interest in running Apple computers from day to day. Steve Jobs also left in 1985 and went on to do other projects. He founded his own company NeXT Software, and purchased Pixar from George Lucas, which would become a successful animation
The Apple Company was founded by Steven Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. Apple has been very successful over the years and is on Forbes Innovative Companies list coming in at number 79. (Forbes, 2016) Due to their diligent work on innovation, globalizing the company they were able to have a market cap of $741.8 billion as of May 2015.
3.) Strong presence in high margin health services business. In addition to UnitedHealth Group’s leadership position in the health benefits market segment, UnitedHealth Group has strong information and technology based health services platform through its business segments which is Ingenix, OptumHealth and PrescriptionSolutions. The “CNN MONEY” (2012) website states Ingenix is one of the largest health information, technology and consulting companies in the world. The UnitedHealth Group derived $2.3 billion of revenues from Ingenix which contributed $284 million (excluding $200 million in goodwill impairment and business line deposition charges) of operating profit, and an operating margin of 12.1% during FY2010.
• On the very first day of trading, Apple Computer had a market value of $1.2 Billion
Apple as explained above was founded by Wozniak and Jobs who began with the first edition of the Apple computer where for startup cash, they sold a van and used Job’s family garage as their shop premises in Los Altos, California This same garage harbored the great development of ideas and innovation techniques that resulted in the success of Apple till today (Mittan, 2010). Wozniak was the brilliant mind that invented the Apple computer while Jobs advertised and located a buyer for their first computer. From the same garage, they made and sold fifty computers that represented the commencement of Apple’s product line
Apple Inc. is a software and electronics manufacture that was established in 1976, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. The first computers the company manufactured were aimed at computer hobbyists, while they worked on making their computer simpler for the non-computer users. They later succeeded in creating the Apple II model which would become one of the most popular computers in the through
Michael Dell founded Dell in 1984 at the age of 19. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak designed Apple Computer on April 1, 1976. As both companies continue to grow they have contributed to a wide impact on competiveness and efficiency towards strategic goals.
around $774,400. After a few years passed they released the Apple computer 2. The Apple II
Apple Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, CA and was incorporated on January 3, 1977 (Apple, 2010). The company was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Jobs also asked his former colleague from Atari, Ronald Wayne to join them in their startup. Wayne designed the first Apple logo. In early 1976 Jobs approached a local company store, The Byte Shop, said they would be interested in the machine, but only if it came completely assembled (Foljanty, 2010). The shop ordered 50 Apple I computers which sold for $666.66. The three owners would assemble the Apple Is at night in their garage still managed to deliver the ordered Apple Is in ten days. In April of 1976 Ron Wayne resigned from Apple Computer because he felt the financial
Apple’s history dates to 1974 when two men, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had a vision that inexpensive home computers would soon be in demand. Two years later, Jobs and Wozniak built their first computer in Jobs’ family garage, they named it Apple I. On April 1, 1976, the Apple Computer Company was established.
Stephen Woziniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer in 1976, which was called the Apple I, then in year 1978 just two years after, Apple II was introduced. More than 10,000 units were sold which relatively was a success, Macintosh (Mac), which dramatically change personal computer. iMac, iBook, iPod, iPad, iPhone, and other come from the lineage of Apple.
In its infancy, Apple Computer Inc. began with the Macintosh personal computer. The company was founded on April 1, 1976. The founders were Steve Wozniak and Steven Jobs. They incorporated the company in 1977, on January 3rd, in Cupertino, California. In the twenty years that followed, the company produced personal computers. Besides the Macintosh, Apple Inc. made Apple II, and the Power Mac lines. Although they lasted for decades, during the 90’s the company experienced some turbulent times with low sales and market share. Steve Jobs left Apple Inc. and came back in 1996 when his company, NeXT was purchased by Apple. In 1997, Jobs became the interim CEO. In later years it became a permanent position for him.
Apple Inc. is a corporation that designs and manufactures computer hardware, software and other consumer electronic products. The company is known for the Macintosh personal computers, iTunes media applications and the iPod personal music players. Apple was founded in April 1976 by Steven Wozniak and Steve Jobs, both college dropouts. In 1976, Wozniak and Jobs created the Apple I computer which did not have a keyboard or power supply for a computer hobbyist club. Later that summer Wozniak started his development of the Apple II, which
The closest comparison to this small computer at the time was the Altair 8800 and the Intel microprocessors used in calculators and watches. An improved version of the Apple 1 developed into the Apple 11, the first personal computer with graphics and a keyboard, and IBM soon followed Apple’s lead with their version of a small computer. The market for personal computers had been primarily in the business industry. Apple Computer sales netted $50 million by the last quarter of 1979 (Gitman & McDaniel, 2009) and Apple soon became the personal computer of choice for many small businesses and families, especially when Apple introduced the more user- friendly Macintosh computer in the 1980’s. The Macintosh was Apple’s first major step in adapting the personal computer to the desires of corporate America. In ten years, Apple had grown from two employees in a garage to a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees (Jobs, 1985). What began as a hobby for Jobs and Wozniak soon became an essential part of many households and established the foundation for the Apple empire.