
Impact of Late Working Hours on Employees Performance.Pdf

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Impacts of Late Working Hours on Employee’s Performance: A Case Study on Engineers in Telecom Company of Pakistan Muhammad Salman Qureshi & Jawad Munir Toor Institute of Business and Management UET, Lahore Abstract: The research was conducted to see the impact of late working hours and employee performance on engineers of Telecom Company of Pakistan. Performance is the major concern for all business organization. High performer individual are the productive asset of any organization. The research was carried to find out the relation of late working hours on employee’s performance. There are many other factors like pay, promotion, training experience, stress, physical abilities, and culture of organization, reward, and workload …show more content…

People having high percentage of working long hours in many countries like Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Central/South America. In Europe, Eastern European countries percentage is not very high as compared to other regions perhaps because they might influenced by membership in the European Union (EU). If we have a closer look within regions, in Asia and Oceania, Korea, Pakistan, and Thailand all have high proportions ranging from 35 percent to 45 percent of men and women (except Indonesia at more than 45 percent). The major effect of long working hours is sleeplessness. Interestingly, the real extent of long hours of work is unknown as empirical studies are hampered by a 'great deal of unregulated overtime and shift swapping ' (Olson & Ambrogetti 1998). Human biological rhythms have a range of cycles measured from minutes to months. These rhythms adjust behavioral and psychological functions over a 24-hour cycle (Rogers, Roberts & Dawson 1997). As a consequence and after the loss of only one night 's sleep, there is a measurable performance decline. With a continued decline of behavioral and psychological performance, the further the pattern of sleeplessness continues (Samkoff & Jacques 1991). Sleep has a direct and complex relationship with human psychology, biology and physiology, and is not readily rescheduled, deferred or resisted (Rogers, Roberts & Dawson 1997). Employee performance refers to the effectiveness of individual behaviors that contribute to

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