Impacts of Late Working Hours on Employee’s Performance: A Case Study on Engineers in Telecom Company of Pakistan Muhammad Salman Qureshi & Jawad Munir Toor Institute of Business and Management UET, Lahore Abstract: The research was conducted to see the impact of late working hours and employee performance on engineers of Telecom Company of Pakistan. Performance is the major concern for all business organization. High performer individual are the productive asset of any organization. The research was carried to find out the relation of late working hours on employee’s performance. There are many other factors like pay, promotion, training experience, stress, physical abilities, and culture of organization, reward, and workload …show more content…
People having high percentage of working long hours in many countries like Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Central/South America. In Europe, Eastern European countries percentage is not very high as compared to other regions perhaps because they might influenced by membership in the European Union (EU). If we have a closer look within regions, in Asia and Oceania, Korea, Pakistan, and Thailand all have high proportions ranging from 35 percent to 45 percent of men and women (except Indonesia at more than 45 percent). The major effect of long working hours is sleeplessness. Interestingly, the real extent of long hours of work is unknown as empirical studies are hampered by a 'great deal of unregulated overtime and shift swapping ' (Olson & Ambrogetti 1998). Human biological rhythms have a range of cycles measured from minutes to months. These rhythms adjust behavioral and psychological functions over a 24-hour cycle (Rogers, Roberts & Dawson 1997). As a consequence and after the loss of only one night 's sleep, there is a measurable performance decline. With a continued decline of behavioral and psychological performance, the further the pattern of sleeplessness continues (Samkoff & Jacques 1991). Sleep has a direct and complex relationship with human psychology, biology and physiology, and is not readily rescheduled, deferred or resisted (Rogers, Roberts & Dawson 1997). Employee performance refers to the effectiveness of individual behaviors that contribute to
As a college student, the information David Randall presents is very intriguing due to the fact that most of us are sleep deprived due to late night studying, among other things. It is very evident that Randall relies on statistics to build and progress his argument. He tells us how over time certain statistics have increases and by how much. This opens our eyes and makes us realize that there really is an issue. By providing these sources Randall becomes trustworthy and our doubt of whether this is true or not are put to rest. The author comes into contact with our feels once he brings in true stories to the picture. He informs us of the incidents that have occurred due to sleep deprivation. At this point the issue becomes more than a statistical
Matthew Walker discusses how sleep as a society has negatively changed over time. “Humans are not sleeping the way nature intended. The number of sleep bouts, the duration of sleep, and when sleep occurs has all been comprehensively distorted by modernity.” (Walker 269). Walker attributes society’s downward spiral of lack of sleep to things like earlier school times than those from different generations and messed up work schedules that force employees
With regard to sleepiness, several studies indicated that the average of sleep duration in 1910 to 2002 have decreased from 9 to 6 hours on workdays (National sleep foundation, 2002; Groger et al., 2004). Recently, a survey study of Roger et al. (2004) shows that an American Nurses have an average of 84 minutes more sleep on non workdays. Thus, shift work suggested as a cause of sleeping disorder among nurses where they feel of sleep during the shift. Considering the contributing factors of sleepiness, the literature identified that long working hours and rotating shifts are causing sleeping disorder. In the night and rotating shifts, the nurses are rarely obtained adequate amount of sleep. In fact, the nurses experiencing less sleeping hours (1 to 4 hour) than normal sleeping (Zeisler et al.,1980). Nevertheless, insufficient sleep is a significant reason of damaging planning, decision-making, and integration of information (Krueger, 1994; Harrison and Horne, 2000). More recent studies have revealed that long hour shifts and overtime are strongly linked to the difficulties of being a wake through the shift which leads to increase the risk of making an error (Scott et al., 2006; Roger et al., 2004).
Sleep affects grades in more ways than one or two or even three. It affect how people feel, think, and act (Gruber,2013). This states that people that have less sleep behave differently than people that get the recommended amount of sleep for their age.They may be more likely to have mistakes in a class or job. They might even act different than they usually do. Sleep also has an affect of no motivation or effort in the work they do (Gruber,2013). This is important because this tells that the person that does not get enough sleep does not have much motivation or effort they put in to the work they perform.People with motivation tend to do things better than people that have none.
Job loss is often unfavorable for a multitude of reasons; loss of income, status and change in self worth. As we have seen, in Ehlers, Frank and Kupfer, social change can lead a person to losing their synchronized body rhythm. These rhythms help people to wake up in the morning, set biological clocks for food consumption and digestion and help to organize time through the day. With the loss of these rhythms there is also a disturbance of the circadian cycle. If the subject does not sense there is a need for sleep to prepare the body and mind for work, they may stay up all night. There is not only a loss of daily rhythms and restorative sleep, but we have also seen that a loss of sleep promotes the slowing of the metabolism and impaired glucose tolerance, as reported by Knutson and Cauter.
As in our career, the time management and punctuality is the most crucial for all. All the employers require hardworking employees for their
Over the past few decades, the work overload has raised and worsened causing an increase in work hours as well as levels of stress within employees. As stated by Stefani Forster in her article “Sweden Adopts A 6-Hour Work Day: Should Canada Follow Suit?” employees who work longer hours are associated with a decrease in productivity per hour. Sweden has decided to switch to a six hour work day unlike Canada’s average eight our work day, for the organizations to succeed. Much of a company’s success is based on the employee’s performance as well as the ability to complete tasks well and on time. This can be achieved by decreasing the amount of hours an employee works in a day as employees are happier, more energetic and achieve work related
Sufficient sleep is a biological necessity for the normal functioning of humans, it allows the body to rest and to replenish itself so that it is able to serve its function of living. In addition, mental and physical health depend on the amount of sleep we get. Most adults and students value work and college much more than sleep, this is due to the academic, career, and materialistic demands. Researchers have noted a positive correlation between lack of sleep and decreased physical health, mental health, and academic performance. Sleep consists of two cycles: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM), which are sleep patterns that alternate throughout the night. Firstly, sleep begins with non-REM sleep lasting about 90 minutes followed by REM sleep lasting 10-30 minutes, then the cycle repeats itself. REM sleep is the most important phase of sleep because the body is internally awake, with waking-like brain activity, yet asleep and externally calm. Thus, an uninterrupted REM phase of sleep is necessary for integrating previously learned material, and giving the individual a feeling of being well rested and refreshed. Many individuals will put sleep off so that more work hours, and school work can be fit into the day in order to get a better outcome such as job promotions or better academic grades, but I believe that sleep deprived people show a low performance in daily tasks due to suffering from mental, and physical health disorders.
The effects of long work hours, resulting in insufficient sleep have been well documented (Rogers, 2008). Insufficient sleep alone has been noted to cause cognitive problems, mood alterations, reduced job performance, reduced motivation, increased safety risks, and physiological changes (Rogers, 2008). Failure to obtain a sufficient amount of sleep is even an important contributor to medical errors (Rogers, 2008). Now think of the effects of sleep, and add in stressful work environments, short-staffing, pressure from administration, and unexpected events, we can begin to realize how patient outcomes may be greatly compromised.
Success in life is typically measured by the result of what is accomplished during the waking hours. The degree of effectiveness of those hours however, depend on effective rest. “Sleep is integral to the health and well-being of all people” (Wells 233). Sleep is simply defined as the body’s rest cycle – a time to recharge. The widely accepted metric for normal or sufficient sleep is about 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. When this metric is not met, either through total sleep loss or accumulated sleep debt, the effect can be dire, “Sleep deprivation results in poor memorizing, schematic thinking, which yields wrong decisions, and emotional disturbances such as deteriorated interpersonal responses and increased aggressiveness” (Orzeł-Gryglewska 95). Sleep deprivation hinders the abilities of the mind, harms the body, and shortens length of life.
As companies and managers around the world continue to tackle this ever growing issue many western companies have begun to implement strategies to combat the symptoms of lost productivity caused by absenteeism, however, even within western cultures, these tactics don’t work as planned. Many factors play a role; however, some companies are gaining success from various tactics used to combat absenteeism and tardiness. In a world full of different motivations and cultural differences, it can be difficult for companies to have a full success; however, with careful planning and cultural understanding companies can begin to battle against this costly crisis in the workplace.
However, the waking process through external means such as an alarm is proved vexatious. It is also to note that, sleep periods more than eight hours during rotational shifts are helpful because the loss in sleep is repaid while working an afternoon shift. On the other hand, day sleep shows no apparent improvement in comparison. However, subjective sleep analysis shows that night shifts enable slightly longer sleep than rotational workers on a night shift. This is assumed to be due to a contradiction with the light exposure in the external day and night cycle. It is shown that firm control over light exposure facilitates the circadian clock with adapting to shift work schedules at night. This method is found to alter sleep duration and alertness on a night
But what are the consequences for the employees ? The new system scheduling time work is totally irregular and unpredictable which may decrease the employee’s job stability and potentially create financial hardships. The result was a computerized system that totally
More specifically, it focused on those new to working night shifts and those who have worked that shift for several years. (Saksvik-Lehouillier, 2012, p.1136) The study went into detail about how each group could tolerate the shift work. Especially since working shifts can be related to many different negative health consequences. Some negative consequences could be anxiety, depression, insomnia and fatigue. In conclusion it explains how there is no difference between the groups toleration but rather that there are ways to improve the tolerance. Especially since there is some correlation between the negative effects and working a night shift. Some of the ways include, applying personality tests, couselling about the occupation and educating. (Saksvik-Lehouillier, 2012, p.1144)
Time management is important, no matter the job you have, someone is always waiting for you to complete your duty. If you work at a restaurant, people are waiting for their food. If you work in an office, people are waiting for your paper, or meeting to be ready. To be a successful employee it is crucial to know how to use your time to the best of the ability. For example, if you have to write a paper for a meeting in a week, good time management would start working on the paper right away. If you have poor time management you may wait until the day before the meeting then cram all the work needed to finish the paper and it may not be completed properly. Time management is important for a successful employee because an