
Immunotherapy's Adoptive Cancer Treatment

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Cancer is a collection of diseases that are caused by the division of abnormal cells that spread to other areas and tissues of the body, growing uncontrollably and forming a mass of tissue called a tumor. It is a genetic disease, causing changes to our genes to control the way cells function, grow, and divide, and can be inherited from our parents as well as resulting from environmental exposures such as UV rays, radiation, and smoking. While there are many successful treatments to help treat and cure different types of cancer, new forms of treatment known collectively as immunotherapy have been discovered to help battle the cancers that do not respond to typical cancer treatment, such as adoptive cell transfer or ACT. In the article Adoptive …show more content…

Even though there are several options available to treat cancer, there are still patients who will find no successful treatment. A new and promising field of treatment known as immunotherapy, also known as biologic therapy, has come into the spotlight to provide another avenue to battle cancer, one that uses and bolsters our own immune system to do so. Immunotherapy works by aiding and improving the immune system in fighting cancer by using our body’s own substances or those made in a laboratory to enhance our body’s natural infection-fighting system, especially against cancer cells. One specific type of immunotherapy known as adoptive cell transfer, or ACT, has produced remarkable responses in clinical trial patients by working to modify our immune cells to better recognize and destroy cancer cells. In the article written by Rosenberg, Restifo, Yang, Morgan, and Dudley (2008), adoptive cell transfer is discussed as “the most effective treatment for patients with metastatic melanoma” as well as mediating cancer regression in patients. The authors believe ACT can open the door to new possibilities of personalized, individualized treatment for cancer patients as well as curbing the percentages of cancer …show more content…

The TIL’s that strongly exhibit the ability to recognize a patients tumor cells are selected to be grown in large quantities in a laboratory then activated by cytokines and infused back into the patient. The ex vivo lymphocytes reinserted back into the bloodstream are accompanied with growth factors to help ensure the cells survival and expansion. In comparison to other forms of immunotherapy, ACT can provide several advantages for their application such as only a small number of TIL’s are needed to be identified then expanded for treatment as well as tests done in vitro can determine the precise populations and functions needed for cancer regression. The ability to manipulate a host’s environment before reinfusing activated T lymphocytes, providing an ideal environment for those transferred cells, also provide a significant

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