
Human Resource Development : Hr Leadership And Its Development

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Human resource (HR) leadership has always been difficult in challenging times, but the unique stressors facing organizations throughout the world today call for a new approach to HR leadership and its development. We propose a multifaceted model that redefines the role of strategic HR leadership and for understanding connections between authentic HR leadership and sustainable organizational performance. that to build enduring organizations and motivate employees to provide superior customer service and create sustainable value for their organizations, we need HR leaders who know themselves, who lead with integrity and demand conformance to higher ethical values.
Human resource development which represents the latest stage in long …show more content…

Human resource system design and development the role involve designing and prepare human resource management system for implementation so that human resource systems organization and action are mutually reinforce and having maximum and endurance. Organizational change consultant the role means facilitating the development and implementation of strategies for transforming organizations

Primary function human resource management can divide into primary and secondary function primary functions is directly involved with obtaining, maintaining and developing employee. Primary function included human resource planning, equal employment opportunity, staffing, recruitment, and selection (Agarwala, T. (2003. Deal with Compensation and benefit, employee, labor relation health, safety and security and human resource development. Secondary function included organization, job design, performance appraisal system, and research and information system. The objective of specific human resource development activities varies greatly or improving the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of individuals, career development potent efforts intended to assist the individual through a series of career stage and the organization development effort to enhance the effectiveness of the organization.
The differing objective ,in turn, often determine of organization which other aspect of the board of human resource system should be more tightly integrated with particular human

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