
Gordon Allport The Language Of Prejudice Analysis

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Allport, Gordon. “The Language of Prejudice.” Language Awareness. Ed. Paul Eschholz. Alfred Rosa. Virginia Clark. Boston: Bedford St. Martin, 2013. 324-333. Print. Language is arguably the most powerful tool in the world. Humans form certain stigmas to certain groups and is generally unintentional. Things like stereotypes are a common thing in our society. Even a name connected to a certain race, brings certain allegations about that person, may it be negative or positive. These negative allegations about a group of people eventually leads to prejudice. Prejudice can have enormous power over whole groups of people, like the social stigma of the Communist party. The author of this essay Gordon Allport graduated from Harvard College in 1919 …show more content…

Countries will face many problems due to climate change and the capacity of a government to provide health care will be reduced dramatically. What water scarcity does not necessarily mean the availability of water, with the planet being 70 percent water, but the quality of water. Presently, poor countries are already being affected by water scarcity. It is reported that currently 1.2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water and this figure will be 2.7 to 3.5 billion people by 2025 if effective steps are not taken to mitigate the water scarcity problem. Climate change causes different factors which may headway for political and social conflicts, so water scarcity will have major impacts on populations’ health. South Asian Studies is a reputable research journal out of the University of Punjab, which has been printed and available online since 1984. Muhammad Zakria Zakar, one of the three authors of this article is a professor at the University of Punjab. Rebeena Zakar, second of the three authors is the Chairman of the Public Health and Quantitative Social Research department at the University of Punjab. Third and final author of this paper is Florian Fischer, a professor at University of Bielefeld in Germany. The evidence of human caused climate change affecting the entire worlds water resources I can use to support my argument on water scarcity and its effects on

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