The GE matrix is an alternative technique used in brand marketing and product management to help a company decide what product(s) to add to its product portfolio, and which market opportunities are worthy of continued investment. Also known as the 'Directional Policy Matrix, ' the GE multi-factor model was first developed by General Electric in the 1970s. Conceptually, the GE Matrix is similar to the Boston Box as it is plotted on a two-dimensional grid. In most versions of the matrix: * the Y-Axis comprises industry attractiveness measures, such as Market Profitability, Fit with Core Skills etc. and * the X-Axis comprises business strength measures, such as Price, Service Levels etc. Each product, brand, service, or potential …show more content…
* Two - Answer the question, What makes this market so attractive? * Three - Decide on the factors that position the business on the GE matrix. * Four - Determine the best ways to measure attractiveness and business position. * Five - Finally rank each SBU as either low, medium or high for business strength, and low, medium and high in relation to market attractiveness. Now follow the usual words of caution that go with all boxes, models and matrices. Yes the GE matrix is superior to the Boston Matrix since it uses several dimensions, as opposed to BCG 's two. However, problems or limitations include: * There is no research to prove that there is a relationship between market attractiveness and business position. * The interrelationships between SBU 's, products, brands, experiences or solutions is not taken into account. * This approach does require extensive data gathering. * Scoring is personal and subjective. * There is no hard and fast rule on how to weight elements. * The GE matrix offers a broad strategy and does not indicate how best to implement it. | | | home | | site map | | login | | Client Login | User Name | | | Password | | | | | |
2. Greener Grass Company (GGC) competes with its major competitor, Better Lawns and Gardens (BLG), in the delivery and installing of in-ground lawn watering systems in
In a real sense, it cannot give a correct strategy that can be taken by the competitor because a competitor is flexible to change their decision any time depending on the goals intended. It also does not explain the reasons behind opting for a certain strategy (Li & Yu, 2016).
Analyze both the structure of the competitive priorities and infrastructure of the production process. Develop three (3) new enablers that are aligned with the long-term plan of the selected organization. Evaluate three (3) pros and three (3) cons of the new enablers.
3. What criteria did you use to evaluate the potential solutions? How did these criteria tie into business strategy and project objectives? How does
Grand Homes has a very simplistic organizational structure. Grand Homes has most of the projects going around the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. There’s no need for geographical organization. Mr. Brooks himself is the founder/president of the company. He supervises five major department of Preconstruction, Construction, Sales and Human Resources
4.8 I have chosen the above organisations as they are both very similar business setups, therefore they should be slightly harder to evaluate than other businesses that I could have chosen; meaning that I
This is the most important aspect to help determine the managerial strategy to use, because it help ask two questions to determine
1. What is your evaluation of each of the three businesses? What is your evaluation of the managers who run them?
To maintain its leading position GE posses Advance Technology Programs witch conduct researches in nanotechnology, molecular medicine, energy conversion, advance propulsion, sustainable energy and organic electronics (General Electric Company, 2012). One of the advance technologies that GE and SI have in common is the research in molecular imaging and diagnosis; GE trying to create new tools for physicians so in the future they could better and faster diagnose person’s diseases with their own molecular makeup (Ciabuschi, 2005). Siemens Ag on the other hand is trying to improve MRI’s so they can create a single continuous move which will result in faster scanners and increase image quality and they are also doing researches in the molecular department. On the other hand GE and
* We are not looking at which projects may have a positive impact on the company’s other business units. Perhaps one project stimulates the retail of licensing business more than the other.
managers. It was developed by the large US consulting group and is a way that a business can compare all of its products. The two aspects it looks at are market share (relative to that of competitors) and market growth. To use it you would look at all of your products and sort them into 4 categories, stars (products with a high market growth and a high market share), cash cows (high market share in a market with little
number one or two in its industry--in the United States, and later in the world as a
General Electric, known for the 9 Box Matrix or McKinsey - GE Matrix for growth share strategy developed in late 70s, was continually working on improving its growth capabilities. These strategies helped GE to identify and sell off
GE Healthcare is capable of changing and constantly re-inventing itself to deal with changing business needs. Setting new standards for management, organizational design, Research and Development has been the pillar of the firm. This is evidenced by the establishment of the six distinctive business
The BCG matrix portrays the perspective of the product portfolio, which is the growth-share matrix. This framework of tool categorizes products within a company's portfolio or within the business units as stars, cash cows, dogs, or question marks according to growth rate, market share, and positively or negative cash flow. By using positive cash flows a company can capitalize on growth opportunities. From this analysis, it can be seen that the products that is growing