Michelle Maystrovich Evaluation essay Facebook One of the new phenomenon’s of our generation is facebook, and with over four hundred million users on it, it is definitely not hard to add friends easily. However, Facebook is also an easy way to replace the outside world with spending all day surfing other peoples profiles. Facebook is a social networking website that was originally designed for college students, but is now open to anyone 13 years of age or older. Facebook users can create and customize their own profiles with photos, videos, and other information about themselves. Also, friends can browse the profiles of other friend’s pages and comment on their updated status or just write on the wall of the person. Facebook …show more content…
For example, if a person wanted to meet new people all they would have to do is either look though friend’s profiles or friends of their friends and by doing so there is a huge chance of meeting someone new. Another option Facebook offers is a suggestion section for people that the user might know or be interested in knowing based on the friends they share or information shared on their profiles. If these options fail, Facebook also offers a variety of different games to pick and choose from, and on these games users can chat and get to know others that are playing the same game. From there, people can create friendships by adding them to their specific profiles and keeping in contact with them. There are so many different ways to connect with new people on this site; Facebook really can bring people from all around the world together. Although it is a great way to connect to new people and reconnect with past loved ones and friends, Facebook can also be used as a crutch to prevent interactions with others face to face. While browsing through profiles it is normal to see people with over one thousand friends, and although they have this many people added it does not mean they actually interact with them outside of the cyber world. According to Nicolas Deleon, an average teenager spends 31 hours a week on Facebook. Spending this much time on the internet it takes away from teens lives and
Facebook is a well know social networking site that has taken all over the world with over 500 million people using the site. Social networking sites such as Facebook share information about the user over the Internet, where it can be freely accessed by anyone. This is where issues of privacy to the individual arise. As of July 2010 Facebook has more than 500 million active users, Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. As of December last year, Facebook called its 500 million users to review their privacy settings at the launch of its new user control tools which allow the user to control their information easily depending on
Social networking sites allow you to connect with old friends from high school, family that lives far away, in my case, even in another country as missionaries, friends down the street, coworkers, and just about anyone else you can think of. This can make you feel more connected to the world around you. You can keep up with what everyone is doing and accomplishing in their lives very easily through statuses and pictures posted every day. I have met new family members, whether by marriage or by birth, through Facebook who I otherwise have not had the opportunity to meet. One of my uncles, who recently passed away, had an affair about thirty years ago and did not
In the article, titled “Facebook in a Crowd” Hal Niedzviecki discusses his experience with Facebook. Niedzviecki started his account and quickly had about 700 on-line “friends.” In his own words, he was “absurdly proud of how many cyberpals, connections, acquaintances, and even strangers I’d managed to sign up.” (Niedzviecki, 958) But he also had a 2-year-old at home, was a workaholic, and liked being left alone. He had very few real friends. So he decided to have a Facebook party to get to know some of his new friends.
New media has been easily made available everywhere and Facebook in particular as one of the world most popular social networking site (SNS) can be made accessible from desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablet because of this, almost everybody can have access to Facebook anywhere they go. For the most reason, due to the introduction of new media, Facebook plays a key role communication and staying in touch with families, friends, acquaintances, businesses, groups meetings and a whole lot of others. Moreover it has also been useful in growing markets and advertising mediums through big companies, brands and highly respectable top class businesses. New media as a broad topic can be defined as a “form of communication which transmits information through a medium that uses routers and servers via high-speed internet and involves materials been received via desktops, computers, tablets and smartphones”.
Facebook is a social networking site that is free of charge for its users. It allows the individual the opportunity to stay connected with friends and family, sharing updates, photographs and user status. The company grosses more than $1 billion per quarter in advertising revenue and online games (Ritholtz, 2014). In this respect, Facebook is much more that a social network. It is a versatile and sophisticated corporation that has revolutionized the way people share their lives and communicate. Their mission is “to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the
When Facebook was first introduced into the world many people were looking for ways to be more connected to their friends and families that lived farther away. Facebook made it possible to stay connected by pictures and messaging and even phone calls. While all of this
It has become extremely common for an individual to sign into their Facebook account, and see a picture that they feel exposed a little too much. Check into their Instagram account, and regret letting everyone know what their location was. Feel uncomfortable, or bullied by a tweet that a person posted to their Twitter. Per Farheen’s article on negative effects of social media “participating in social media sites such as these can make you feel more connected” (Sagheer 1). It is not okay for individuals to feel victimized due to the negative effects of social media. Social media tends to distract, humiliate, and destroy one-self through entertainment. If people would donate more time to things more supplemental to their growth, and limit their use of social media, then maybe people would stop walking over the harm that social media presents to our community. Monitoring the time invested into social media will help eliminate most of the detriment, privacy issues, and bullying flowing through today’s society.
Today the estimated Facebook online user amount is around 1,590 million users, that's the largest social media network, and Facebook being a social media site means all those people are connected and benefit from that. All of those users can talk and post to each other and stay connected to other places. Even though it isn't always necessary to talk to someone all the time, it is important that you stay updated with how things are going in other places or how others are. Someone who doesn't use any form of social media are very limited to
Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004 by nineteen year old named Mark Zuckerberg (Carlson). In 2010 it became one of the most popular websites in the world, visited by over 400 million people per month. The sudden popularity of Facebook was so extraordinary, that a movie called “The Social Network” came out telling the story of its development (The Social Network). This site created an innovative way for its users to exchange messages, post status updates, post photos, and join common interest groups. In addition to that users can like and comment on
There is no doubt that technology today, and the use of the internet is an outstanding resource, when it is used appropriately. Today’s society consists of many young bloggers, video- bloggers, and a ton of social media (networking) users. One of the biggest social media sites used for interaction among peers, and families, is Facebook. Facebook became popular instantly as a social media site in which you can share your thoughts, opinions, photos, and videos with friends, and family. To register for Facebook the required age is 13 years old, and one can register by entering a birthdate; with no questions asked, a click of a button, and an agreement to
At any given time of day, anyone can access an abundant amount of information at the click of a button. Men, women, kids, teenagers, adults and even the elderly are learning how to use the internet to their advantage. Among all the benefits the internet has provided to us, online communication has proven to be the most beneficial. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace have made it easy for everyone to stay in contact with each other. Regardless of how far apart a family member or friend is, everyone is just one click away. If someone is not having a good day, they can share their feelings with everyone in a matter of seconds. These social networking sites have become quite popular among adolescents. They allow teens to stay more connected with their friends outside of school. Now teens have become more obsessed with their friends Facebook or Twitter status than engaging in outdoor activities like football or
Facebook is a social media website where people can communicate, navigate, upload personal and business profiles. It is totally free of cost. Its user can communicate with their family and friends to know what is going on in the world by giving people the power to share whatever they want and be connected to whoever they want. Facebook is founded by Mark Zucherberg who was a student of Harvard university. He first launched Facebook in February 2004 from his university dorm room. He only targeted to launched the Facebook within the universities but then expanded its access to anyone with a legitimate email address. Nowadays, people spend most of their time on Facebook due to its diversity of applications and entertaining programs. Some of Facebook’s features are News Feed, Picture and video upload, Facebook Live, Facebook messenger, Friend Finder, Group Chats, Gaming etc.
Facebook is currently largest social networking site in the world based on monthly unique visitors – attracting 130 million unique visitors every day (Alexa Inc. 2012). The site’s popularity exploded in 2007 and it bypassed its social networking rival, MySpace, in April 2008 (Phillips 2007). Over the last few years Facebook has impacted people’s social lives in various ways. With its availability on modern smart phones, Facebook enables users to continuously stay in touch with friends, relatives and peers wherever they are in the world as long as they have internet access. It can also group people together who share beliefs and interests and has been known to even reunite lost family members and friends through its enormous social reach
As a teenager logs onto the internet for homework, the focus is lost. Why? Well, out of like infinite possibilities and opportunities of internet browsing and blogging, the teen is most likely on Facebook. Facebook, or as it was originally called www.thefacebook.com, is a website where users post and share photos, profiles, and basically anything that in a foreign world was considered “private”. Although, it is not only trendy teens surfing this site, business men marketing, musicians
Facebook, a social networking website, has changed the way people communicate with each other. A social networking website is an online platform that allows users to create a public profile and interact with other users on the website. Facebook has even changed our most personal and private conversations and how they are conducted around the world. Since the internet’s birth in 1983, this trend of online communication has been growing. Created in 2004, now registered with more than one billion participants, Facebook’s user numbers surpass even the top four social networking websites combined. According to Wikipedia statistics, Instagram has 300 million registered users, LinkedIn has 200 million users, Classmates.com has 50 million users, and Flickr has 32 million registered users. To be further convinced of the claim that Facebook indeed changes the way we communicate, you would only need to create your own Facebook account and start participating in their social networking experience. Technology and internet usage is fused into every aspect of our society including the style of communication. The launch of Facebook in 2006 also enabled other devices such as touch phones, interactive tablets, and even advanced cars with their own networking capabilities starting in 2007. Facebook is a multibillion-dollar company and is highly recognized for connecting more people than other networks. Facebook’s long-term success can be attributed to providing entertainment, world news, and