Essay Questions The hierarchy of business decision makers categorizes organizations based on how they use business research to make decisions. List and explain the three levels in the hierarchy. The three levels in the hierarchy are the base tier, the middle tier, and the top tier. Organizations in the base tier are called intuitive decision makers because they use past experience and intuition to make decisions. The middle tier organizations are called standardized decision makers because they base some decisions on business research and others are past experience. The top tier is called the visionaries because they consider research to be the foundation of any good decision. This group may also develop specific proprietary methods of …show more content…
Consequently, it is planning a special Alumni Bash for homecoming night and invitations have been sent to students who graduated between 1975 and 2000. Identify the dependent and independent variables in the example. State a hypothesis using the information provided. The dependent variable is alumni donations (percentage change in alumni who donate and dollar change in the amount given). The independent variable is the use of special events for alumni. A possible hypothesis is: Alumni who attend the special events are more likely to donate and donate at a higher level than those who do not attend the events. Essay Questions What are the three types of budgets in organizations where research is purchased and cost containment is crucial? List and describe each one. Is one more desirable than the others? Explain. The three types of budgets are rule-of-thumb budgeting, departmental budgeting, and task budgeting. Rule-of-thumb budgeting involves designating a fixed percentage of some criterion variable. For instance, an organization might specify that the research budget for the year will be 1% of sales. This ensures some resources are available but does not link the need for research to the amount budgeted. Departmental budgeting allocates a portion of total expenditures in the unit to research activities. Each unit then has the authority to approve their own projects. Task
3. Explain two methods that can be used in order to identify realistic estimations when developing a budget. [2.2]
In this case, Oliver Hall is Saint Mary’s College main place for students to eat and where the research question is implemented with participant observation and a survey sent out. Race/ethnicity of Saint Mary’s students is the independent variable, which will vary among students. Interactions with Sodexo workers will depend on the race/ethnicity of the student, because it is the dependent variable and the amount of interactions will vary from student to student. The findings expected after looking at the data collect, is that students considered a minority will have more and/or meaningful interactions with
The independent variable is the poor treatment of Mexican girls and women of the maquiladora by the corporations and government.
The hypothesis is that when trying to remember the word pair list with whatever memory methods used, the beginning and ending word pairs will be remembered most often. The subjects that were chosen came from Indian temple friends and classmates in chemistry class. The target population was eight subjects in three groups, which was a total of twenty-four subjects. There were eight subjects in the control group and eight other subjects each in the two experimental groups. They were divided into control and experimental groups randomly being a mix of temple friends and classmates. A independent variable is manipulated or changed. The independent variable was the word pair list needed to be memorized. The dependent variable is what is being measured in an experiment, which was the results of the word pair test. It was a single blind experiment, which is when only the participant does not know whether they are part of the treatment or control group.
To tackle the housing affordability, first of all, it is crucial to lift the supply of housing as it will release the pressure on the housing price. Nevertheless, the supply of housing is inelastic as it requires an adequate fund, time, approval from the Government. Besides, the housing system is heavily dependent on the private sector. Thus, the Government should provide initiatives for housing providers to shift the supply of houses in the market. Australia would follow the policies from other countries to tackle the housing affordability. However, it has to fit in the Australian context. These policies might work well in other places but it does not mean that it will be applicable in Australia. The Singapore Government has a public
In contrast Stogdill (1974) presents that there are over 160 definitions of leadership,Adair (2005) conculede that this can be put into three selected levels .
Budgeting is crucial in the well-being of a company especially the financial health status of a company. In fact, no professionally managed firm would fail to budget, since the budget establishes what is authorized, how to plan for purchasing contracts and hiring, and indicates how much financing is needed to support planned activity. It is routine for a company to budget for its expenses. Expense budgets act as a guideline of how much revenue a company would require keeping the activities running. It is used to set the company’s targets for a certain period.
A company's budget serves as a guideline in planning and committing costs in order to meet tactical and strategic goals. Tactical goals such as providing budgetary costs for daily operations, and strategic objectives that include R&D, production, marketing, and distribution are all part of the budgeting process. Serving as a guideline rather than being set in stone, the budget is a snapshot of manager's "best thinking at the time it is prepared." (Marshall, 2003, p.496) The budget is a method in which to reign-in discretionary spending, and will likely show variances between what costs have been anticipated and what costs are actually incurred.
I feel sometimes if I am uneasy about a decision I make I could try to better this understanding by building on the organizations hierarchy so that I could quickly ascertain if a matter is within my remit and if not who I could refer it to.
My interest for the Attorney Advisor position with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) arises from my longstanding commitment to constantly improve myself. I have always enjoyed legal research, writing, and the complexities of intellectual property. I have no doubt that my enthusiasm to research, my eagerness to learn, and my strong ability to communicate clearly, work efficiently, accurately, and quickly, will make me an invaluable asset to the USPTO. I believe these traits combined with my unique skillset, developed as a result of experiences working for the Arizona Diamondbacks of Major League Baseball (Diamondbacks), Nike Inc. (Nike), and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Liability Management Department (AG Office)
This research paper is a brief discussion of budget management analysis. Budgeting is the key to financial management, and is the key to translates an organization goals or plan into money. Budgeting is a rough estimate of how much a company will need to get their work done, and provides the basis for evaluating performance, a source of motivation, coordinating business activities, a tool for management communication and instructions to employees. Without a budget an organization would be like a driver, driving blinded without instructions or any sense of direction, that’s how important a budget is to every organization and individual likewise (Clark, 2005).
This project seeks to bring out the budgeting and budgetary control practices of UT financial institution, Koforidua, and how they can make sure their budgeting practices are done in such a way as to incur minimal or less cost for the organization