In Indonesia, petroleum is one of the main sources of the state revenues. It is also a very important strategic commodity and often as political issue. The revenues from oil and gas have driven the economic growth and contributed significantly for the development of Indonesia. In the world, legislations which regulate oil and gas are varies from country to country. In spite of many variations, in general, the upstream oil and gas activities, based on two systems, the production-sharing contracts and the licensing systems. Indonesia was the country that introduced the concept of production-sharing contracts in 1966 (Bindemann, 1999).
After the verdict of Indonesian Constitutional Court in 2012 on The Oil and Gas Law, some of the articles were unconstitutional and not legally binding. As a result, the government and the parliament want to revise the oil and gas law and led to the ideas of replacing the production-sharing contract with the licensing system. Nevertheless, before Indonesia adopts the new system, many aspects should be considered in designing legislations. Some of the aspects are the concept of natural resources ownership, revenues for the state, and attractiveness for the investors.
Mean while, as the owner of natural resources, the government has the rights to control and regulate petroleum resources. The government would also have to balance its demand for maximizing the revenues from oil and gas and adverse effect on investment climate. Thus, it should be
The chapter by Manabu Shimizu focuses on Japan’s efforts in oil exploration and the country’s future goals in the oil industry. Since Japan imports all of its oil, the “challenge is to establish a long-term, sustainable oil supply” (Shimizu 113). Japan has begun to fund Central Asian oil exploration in the hopes of a big oil market being produced for that region. However, Japan does not intend to import oil from Central Asia, rather they want other regions to do import. By doing so, some of the production pressure is lifted from the Middle East, which is where most of Japan’s oil comes from. At the moment, the Middle East is the main producer of oil for many countries with great power over the market, and Japan hopes to create another market
The bilateral relationship between Australia and Indonesia has a long but fluctuating history as ‘strange neighbours’, based on a traditional stance from Australian parties of Indonesia as the weaker state (Robert and Hadir 2015: 195). The discourse on Australia’s role in East Timor, particularly the intervention as the head of the UN sanctioned INTERFET team, has been praised or criticized depending on the narrative constructed of the events (Maley 2000: 151). Australia’s role in the East Timor crisis began through complicity in its causes, followed by a change in foreign policy which caused a deterioration of the Indonesia-Australia relationship at a time when Indonesia’s new democratic governance should have deepened relations (Sulistiyanto 2010: 125). While Australia and Indonesia have been steadily rebuilding their relationship, especially in regard to security, the
Sharon Olds utilizes figurative language throughout the poem, Rite of passage including hyperbole, similes, and alliteration. When olds introduces the characters as “short men, men in first grade” it is to hyperbole which highlights the fact that the young boys consider themselves to be very mature. Olds continues the poem by using alliteration when with the phrase “jostling, jockeying” which sounds nice and helps make the poem flow. In order to enhance the reader’s visualization of the story olds employs a simile. See writes that the son has “freckles like specks of nutmeg on his cheeks”. The freckles simile also allows the reader to see that the mom still views her son as an innocent boy. Sharon Olds puts in another simile about how they
The legal, the neighborhood government and the central government ought to work as an inseparable unit to control the petroleum gas industry. They ought to ensure that the direction of this vitality industry does not impacts affect the general wellbeing by;
In 1864 the Oregon Trail was made. It was made by a group of people who traveled 2,000 miles from Missouri. The Oregon Trail was dangerous for many pioneers. Some pioneers died along the way while others found land for farming.
| Legal impacts on oil and natural energy extraction and production are determined at a local level and thus the main issues which arise typically relate to cross-border transactions and the legal issues of transportation (SMI, 2010). International legal issues in the industry are constrained to safety considerations such as decommissioning given the highly hazardous nature of the raw materials and production process. This in part explains the high infrastructure investment costs as Petrobras must ensure the safety of any new exploration and extraction venture.
Strong property rights are an essential component in any successful market economy. Although Indonesia has regulations regarding mineral exploration and extraction, the government has found ways to manipulate the regulations to best serve its interests. Making it through the various stages of mining approval requires complex paperwork and numerous negotiations with various government offices. Bre-X had navigated this system and received a Contract of Work (CoW) to mine the Southeast Zone. However, after Kuntoro Mangkusubroto declined to revoke Bre-X’s CoW, Sudjana had transferred the
The effects of population control programs on demographic change were not instant, and it takes long serious effort to encourage the improvement of economic development in a country. According to Paul J. Gertler (1994, p. 33), “Population control is a key element in a country’s ability to maintain and improve its economic and social welfare”. Furthermore, this paper intends to explain why the change of population structure has an effect on the society’s economic condition in Indonesia with examining the demographic variables.
Australian-Indonesian relations are the foreign relations between the two countries, whether economically, politically, legally or socially. Australian-Indonesian relations involve an interaction in foreign policies between the two nations (Wolfsohn, 1951, p. 68). As long as Indonesia is Australia 's closest and largest neighbor, they are bound to have great international relations. These relations began as early as the 17th century and had only become enhanced with time (Daly, 2003, p. 397). The relationship has been defined by a conjoint growth trade of up to $14 between the years 2011-2012 which reports an increase from the previous economic year (Mark, 2012, p.402). These countries are members of various trade deals such as the ASEAN Regional Forum in addition to having close ties with education, defense, and leadership. Australia 's relationship with Indonesia is crucial, and lack of such could severely bruise the economy, and hence they need to keep united by ensuring the use of widespread media with beneficial input. Australia interacts with Indonesia in a way such as sporting activity, tourism, education, economic policies, youth exchange programs, cultures and above all their diplomacy (Okamoto, 2010, p.241).
In order for Chad’s economy to succeed in the future, major reforms on oil revenue transparency are necessary. As a result of social and political conflicts, Chad has historically been characterized by division and warfare. Since the discovery of oil during the 1960s, these conflicts have only been exacerbated. The oil pipeline that began construction in 1999 as a result of this discovery inadvertently fueled the tension that had been created. The revenues that were generated from the pipeline were not allocated with transparency, which caused dissent on a global scale. This project was supposed to be an example for all oil-dependent developing countries that agreement and control of revenues could help grow a country’s economy. Ultimately, the methods used to control the revenues in Chad have been inefficient, and are in need of further reforms such as improved national dialogue and access to information.
This section will deal with government’s legislative and regulatory frameworks in fossil fuel industries. Because fossil fuel industries play a big role in Canada’s economy, it can affect a large proportion of a population. Therefore, government’s involvement in legislative and regulatory frameworks must be effective as Harvie notes in his study that an intention of government’s legislative and regulatory involvement in fossil oil industries “is to develop an outcome based land use decision-making process that promotes sustainable economic growth by balancing economic activities with social and environmental goals” (Harvie, 296). Because foreign investors own the majority of the largest oil companies in Canada’s oil industries, one of the prominent
Two rounds of gubernatorial election occurred in February and April of 2017 to elect a governor of the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. Popular incumbent governor Basuki Tjahaja or “Ahok” was expected to have a tight race. Unfortunately, after a series groundbreaking religious manipulations by the organization the Islamic Defenders Front (F.P.I. in Bahasa), he decisively lost to Anies Baswedan. Through usage of Ashok's double minority status as a Christian and ethnic chinese the F.P.I. managed to convince voters he was not the right fit, even after his success in creating a more transparent budget and improving infrastructure. The F.P.I persuaded people through flashy, deceitful, slogans accusations of blasphemy and capitalizing on
The beauty industry, cosmetics in particular, has a bright future as women, no matter whether they live in big cities or small villages will always need a fully loaded make-up pouch in their bag.
In my Rel 240 class, Introduction to Southeast Asia, I have learned many Interesting things from lectures, broadcasts, videos, and the textbook. For example in the video “Indonesia at the Crossroads”, I learned about how activists seek to return to their country back to its original way. More specifically they wanted to go back to the old traditional and moral values after period of rapid of economic growth. Another aspect of the video that intrigued me is seeing all the Christians and Muslim and other faiths living side by side in harmony. It’s a great thing to see such a thing because there is major conflicts and clashes between religions in other parts of the world that often leads to bloodshed. Another great thing that i noticed is that the Christians and the Muslim activists got together to try and return their country back to its moral roots and values and try to implement a democratic System.
Cruel and unusual or appropriate and justifiable? Capital punishment is a hotly debated topic that often divides opinion. There are three sides to every story: the criminals, the victims, and the laws a society elects to have. I happen to believe that capital punishment is a justifiable consequence of horrendous crimes where loss of life occurred. Furthermore, this extreme punishment must be reserved for very specific crimes and there should be no question of guilt.