
Cross Cultural Conflict in “the Tiger's Daughter” of Bharati Mukherjee

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Rajaram Solaimalai
Associate Professor in English,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai625 015
Tamil Nadu, India

email: sreng@tce.tce website:

Bharati Mukherjee, an Indian born American novelist, is a familiar voice in the Indian Diaspora. Her fiction truly reflects the temperament and mood of the present American society as experienced by immigrants in America. She depicts the cross cultural crisis faced by her women in her novels. She found herself difficult to adapt to the culture, customs, and traditions, which she depicts through her female …show more content…

Tara is confused because “her old milieu, her family, her ideas of yore seem to confront the ‘American’ Tara as it were.”(Enakshy Chowdury 82). She feels herself a misfit at her home and among friends. Tara finds in India nothing to her liking and she realizes that there is no escape from Calcutta. As Shoba Shinde has rightly observed, “An immigrant away from home idealises his home country and cherishes nostalgic memories of it” (58) and Tara does the same in America. When she comes back to India, she confronts a restive city which forces weak men to fanatical defiance and dishonesty. In spite of her European personality, the Indian pulse vibrating in Tara makes her realise that the life of Calcutta in spite of all the dark spots and drawbacks, has its own life which is found nowhere else and which her husband David would not be able to able to realise. However, the Americanism dominates her Indianness and she looks at her home trough her Americanised eyes.

She is no more an Indian identity and is always in clash with the culture of her native soil. The clash is deeply felt in the psyche of Tara who finds it difficult to adjust with her friends and relatives in India; and sometimes with the traditions of her own family. At the Bombay airport she responds to her relatives in a cold and dispassionate manner. When her relatives call her “Tul Tul” it sounds strange to her Americanised ears. The railway station looks like a hospital

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