Coffee Shop Building and Opening Project MEMO ------------------------------------------------- Subject: Deliverables Summary This is a summary of the deliverables included for this project. There should be a table of contents page, a detailed scope statement, the work breakdown and network diagram, the risk management plan, and the communication management plan. Any tables or graphs must be comprehensible and precise. Each member should include a lesson learned and a participation summary. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary Page 3 2. Scope Statement Page 3 a. Goal Definition b. Goals Addressing Mission c. Goals Addressing Self-Sustainment d. Cost e. Project …show more content…
Project Deliverables * An 800 square foot with limited kitchen, coffee shop * Signage with coffee shop logo * Appliances to include: Coffee equipment, Latte machine, Cash register, Counter tops * Supplies to include: Sleeves, Straws, Cups, Napkins, Coffee beans Milestones * Permits and loans approved by July 31 * Construction on land completed by August 16 * Inspection of property completed by September 1 * Advertising campaign ready by August 24 Technical Requirements * Building must meet all business building codes. * Cash register must be placed in view sight of security cameras. * Sleeves, straws, and napkins must be accessible to the customers. * Coffee beans are to be delivered to the coffee shop. * New hires must be trained. Limits and Exclusions * The building will be built to meet the specifications of the owner. * The Contractor reserves the right to contract out services, based on price approval of the owner and project team. * Site work must only be completed Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm per local noise ordinances. * The design scheme must be consistent throughout the coffee shop and lounge. * Air conditioner or heating unit (depending on the season) must run at all times. * Lounge area and bathrooms need to be cleaned hourly by the staff. Reporting Structure of Team Members The ownership of the coffee shop will make the final decision on the
This paper will cover a reflection of my experience with the Biz Café simulation. After reading this paper, one should have an idea of what I learned from the simulation and how it works. I will be talking about the challenges my team and I dealt with and how we overcame these challenges. Most importantly, I will be talking about how we made Coffee Connection run as a successful coffee shop. In this paper, I will also discuss my thoughts on teamwork and the significant factors of running a small business.
Broadway Cafe is in a unique position to receive its makeover in the City of downtown Conway, and it appears that it will catch up to the 21st century. There is a downtown revitalization project that is in its development stage and the Conway Chamber of Commerce has invited all businesses to attend its monthly meeting to address areas of concerns, needs and/or
In this work related project analysis various information will be for gathering information. Some of the areas that will be covered are; methods of searching, interviewing techniques to gather the information, agreement for articulating requirements, and strategies to gather information for computerization. Requirements must
The deliverable for Part 1 is a written proposal for the project selection criteria and a high level description of a proposed portfolio management process. You may also be expected to make an informal presentation of the report in class.
After the solution has been agreed and funding allocated, a project is formed. The Terms of Reference defines the vision, charter, scope and deliverables for the project. It also provides the plan tree diagram, which is a summarized plan of the activities, resources and funding required to undertake the project. Finally, any risks, issues, planning assumptions and constraints are listed.
This Project Charter describes the purpose, scope, objectives, estimated cost/ effort/ duration, risk and constraints, assumptions, approach and organization.
1. In the beginning, how was Starbucks different from other coffee options for coffee drinkers in the United States? What activities and assets did Starbucks leverage to differentiate itself from competitors?
Starbucks Corporation is an international coffee company and coffeehouse chain with more than 23 thousand stores across the world. The company’s corporate strategy is presently focused on continued growth, with Starbucks planning on opening thousands of new stores in China in 2016 (Burkitt, 2016) and the long-term goal of establishing Starbucks high-end businesses like Roasteries, Reserve Stores, as well as a bakery chain named Princi (Tu, 2016). Furthermore, Starbucks is investing in sustainable coffee growth and trade projects. As Starbucks continues to grow, the company is currently considering opening up a new manufacturing plant in Augusta, Georgia. To evaluate whether the project would be profitable and should be accepted, a capital budgeting model that computes key metrics was constructed and the results were analyzed.
Starbuck’s strategy focused on three components; high-quality coffee, intimate service, and ambient atmosphere. Starbucks worked closely with growers in Africa, South and Central America, and Asia-Pacific regions to insure the quality of its product. Starbucks called all employees' "partners" and worked hard to train them with the skills necessary to best serve the customer. The atmosphere at Starbucks was crafted after the European-style espresso bar. The company goal was to create ambience through the Starbucks "experience" and by making the area comfortable, yet upscale.
This report will consist of the recommended sections a project plan should possess. These sections include a framework, necessary
Please answer all the following questions as they relate to the case. Please utilize as much outside resources as you deem necessary to reinforce your answers—especially the last question. Remember that this case is over 10 years old and Starbucks has changed since then.
This report was compiled by a team of professional project managers and gives an objective insight to the project in full.
* Establish a positive image with the local university to create additional long term clientele.
Coffee shop is the famous business in Cochin. Coffee or Tea bar is a daily requirement for the local coffee lovers, and it is a place to dream big things in life and to discuss among friends and relatives and just a comfortable place to meet your loved ones or to read a book, all alone. With the growing demand for high-quality tea or coffee and great service, The Melody Coffee shop will mainly focus on the institute of management studies in Cochin and other private institutes also. The kind of culture will offer its customers the best prepared coffee/tea in the area that will be served with a muffin and a sweet, moreover we will provide some free books that many more old customers can read and enjoy their visit. The shop will operate a 70 square foot coffee bar near to the entrance of the institute of management studies in the building. The identified place can be obtained for lease for 8 months and it is possible to get a nearly extension in the upcoming months and years. The start-up funding which is available with Mr. Hemant is INR 80,000/- and it is surely that the remaining amount of Rs 50000 will be incurred through some commercial loans from the Bank of Baroda. The business is expected to gain more and more profit that will be more than 150000 per year. Melody Coffee shop will try to maintain a high gross profit margin and reasonable operating expenses throughout the year.
Starbucks was bought out by current CEO Howard Schultz in 1987. Since then, Andrew Harrer (2012) reports the company has grown to operate over “17,244 stores worldwide” (para. 1). Fortune (n.d.) reports in its yearly 100 Best Companies to Work for that Starbucks employs “some 95,000 employees”. From only a handful of stores in 1987 to a billion dollar franchise today, the success of Starbucks is due in great deal to their corporate culture, specifically how employees, or as Starbucks calls them, partners are treated. Joseph Michelli (2007) echoes this sentiment, “A great cup of coffee is only part of the Starbucks success equation” (p. 767).