Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter presents the literature and related studies which have direct bearing on this study. It also discusses the values reflected in the proverbs and the proverb as a reflection of Filipino character, its function in the society, its nature and purpose, its stylistic peculiarity and its significance in Filipino culture. Folklore Prof. Damiana Eugenio (2002), a renowned Filipina folklorist, said that there is no universally accepted definition for the word “folklore”. But she gave a description that folklore is any form of knowledge that is handed down from generation to generation that portrays the way of life of ancestors of the chosen ethnic group can be considered part of …show more content…
This shows that many people are interested in proverbs. Lopez (2006) further added that the important rule in the study of folksaying is not to cite what one people say in one culture but to explain what another people say for another culture. For her, any folklore material translated to another language suffers in the process of translation. Thus, the definition of proverb is necessary for serious research on this genre. Many definitions of proverb have actually been made. According to Lydia Arguilla as cited by Lopez (2006) “Proverbs are a people’s soul”, while Carmelo Jamias as also cited by Lopez (2006) said that “Proverbs are the wisdom of the elders”. However, the definition of the proverb as “Folk wisdom” is rejected in the Philippine culture because of the existence of “crossed proverbs”―two proverbs that recommend two contrary kinds of action. Lopez (2006) continued that the biggest problem in the Philippine proverbial studies that should be solved is the total neglect of the context of the materials collected. The study of proverbs requires not only knowing the content of the material, but also knowing when to use them because usage is the most important aspect of proverbs. She added that there is distinction between recording the text of proverbs and
With our modern day technology and ever changing society, it is important to keep folk cultures alive and not allow them to slip away. “Piecing it all Together” by bell hooks describes how she remembers her grandmother patiently and skillfully telling the story of her life through the art of sewing a tedious quilt. Chris Rose in his article “Let the Good Times Roll” depicts the tragedy, perseverance of a community, and the total comment from all to rise up and move on and celebrate their heritage and traditions. Folk cultures are the backbones that shape and mold every individual during their lifetime blending together traditions and skills, foods, beliefs, heritage and shared values that are taught and/or passed down from generation to generation, providing a common identity or direction for people within a family or community.
The book of Proverbs can create thinking and individual beliefs in the society of F451. The people in the F451 society can’t think for themselves. We see this when Beatty says, “Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of ‘facts’ they feel
Myths are of great importance in the Navajo community because it is believed that it was a way to connect to the Holy People. The myth helps recognize symbolized supernatural in chants, translates the meaning of songs, and explains the importance of the ritual objects (Lamphere 1969). For example, there is myth of the two heroes who had gone through some misfortunes but thanks to the supernatural’s aid, the two heroes created a
A proverb (Hebrew marshal) is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form. (p.259) Solomon the writer of proverbs, was told by God” he could ask for anything he wanted and God would give it to him. Solomon asked for wisdom to lead the people, so they would know the difference between right and wrong.”(1Kings 3:5-9 paraphrased) According to Hindson and Yates “Hebrew wisdom literature taught people not only how to make good choice s in life but how to make godly choices.” (p.259) Proverbs shows many parallels and contrasts, usually in a two sentence form. In this essay we will look at the teachings of Hebrew wisdom on diligence and laziness, and how it corresponds with the contrast between wisdom and folly.
and cultural life. The process by which it has earned a place in the folk
The book of Proverbs is the Hebrew book of Wisdom. Its purpose is to provide
Proverbs simply compiles numerous short instructions for living an effective life on earth. The writers of the Book of Proverbs recognised the varied circumstances of a person’s life and provided principles to apply in a variety of situations rather than instructions to follow in only a few specific instances. The Book of Proverbs consists of like short quotes that are like values for Jewish people. The main purpose of Proverb is to define what it means to be fully devoted to God’s will. This leads a ‘holy life’ because Proverbs promotes Gods law as something that is part of life and is a duty to all human beings. “If I am not for me, who is for me; and if I am (only) for myself, what am I. And if not now, when?” – Hillel, Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14. This basically means that people were created for a specific purpose and that purpose is to follow Gods commands and to live a Holy life by following the sacred
Proverbs states, "Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom; in all your getting, get understanding." According to Jeanne Schloesser, a successful, home-based entrepreneur, "This verse, Proverbs 7:4, holds high regard in my life, and acts as one of my life mottos". Being a vocal, passionate woman who remains humble, she exemplifies how this verse has encouraged her to seek out wisdom and understanding, and how she utilizes these characteristics into her daily business. As a result, she has become an example of success in both her business and personal life.
In indigenous society, storytelling is used to pass information from generation to generation about “their mythological, spiritual and historical understanding of themselves and the worlds they have inhabited” (Storytelling Traditions of Native Americans). These stories allow Native Americans to coexist with nature and with one another in a harmonious and respectful way. In these stories, one will find many interesting characters, such as the trickster, who make the story not only informational, but also fun. The trickster is a character who tricks another with “clever and endlessly provocative behavior” (Storytelling Traditions of Native Americans).
In this paper I will discuss how Plato 's Apology and Phaedo have difference ideas of what it means to be a philosopher. I will explain how in the Apology, the philosopher is wise in how he/she understand that they are wise because they know that they don 't know, and in Phadeo the philosopher knowledgable and are concern in gaining more knowledge.
Cultural myths affects how people act and also affects their beliefs. It can also make people not fully understand some things due to being limited by their cultural beliefs. To think more critically a person must look beyond more than cultural myths. The author gives an example which
Folklore is a term used to describe the traditional beliefs and customs that every community had which were passed down the generations through word of mouth. Each community had their own folklores whereby they used oral traditions such us proverbs, tales and poems to ensure that everyone in the community, especially the children, knew and was aware of the customs. This helped develop a sense of pride and respect for the people’s culture since they understood why some of the cultural practices were done and the consequences of going against these practices and customs. Folklores may lack substantial evidences but people still keep faith in their beliefs due to the respect and trust they have for their ancestors who were actually believed to
Proverbs are phrases use to explain certain solutions. Proverbs can explain specific situations within certain words to get the point across. The function for proverbs is to describe something without having to be forward with what is being said. There were five proverbs from things fall apart that stuck out to me. These proverbs are “when a man says yes chi also says yes”, what is good in one place is bad in another”, “If I fall down for you and you fall down for it is play”, “A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness” and “If one brought oil soiled it others”
The diversity of culture is an incredible notion. It is unfathomable how the anatomy of the human race is so similar, yet so different in the behaviors and ideas that take place. The two primary cultures I am focusing on throughout this essay are the differentiation between popular culture, and indigenous culture. I will also make the point of folk culture, and how it has slowly transformed itself from its self sufficiency, to relying more on the ways of popular culture.
A proverb is "a brief, memorable saying that expresses a truth or belief" (Proverb). “Proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten" (Achebe 7), and they enhance the meaning of all the conversations. “A proverb is [basically] a short sentence based on long experience” (.