
Blackberry Research Paper

Decent Essays

Blackberry Leaf Tea
By Pandora Wolf

Native to the Northern temperate areas of the globe, blackberry has been honored as the official fruit of the state of Alabama. Blackberry belongs to the Rubus genus in the Rosaceae family which also includes raspberry and dewberry. Ancient cultures perceived blackberry plant as a weed or a wild plant yet its medicinal history spans back to over 2000 years. History reveals the traditional usage of blackberry fruit, leaf, bark and roots by the Romans and Greeks for healing numerous health conditions ranging from a mild infection to venomous bites. The fruit is effective against the development of cancer including lung cancer, colon cancer, and esophageal cancer. The micronutrients present in blackberries exert chemopreventive effect and prevent the proliferation of malignant cells.
Blackberries are a source of both insoluble and soluble fiber essential for the optimum functioning of the digestive system. This aids in regular bowel movements, freedom from constipation, and better digestive health. They have an abundance of antioxidants for heart health, and lots of vitamins which act as immunity boosters. Blackberries also have magnesium and calcium for bone health, and are a source of natural folate for pregnant women. …show more content…

The abundance of astringent tannins in the herb helps control such conditions in the digestive tract. Another benefit of astringent tannins in blackberry leaves is their healing effect on wounds. External application of a tincture or infusion made from blackberry leaves helps in the constriction of blood vessels, and cures minor injuries. The astringent qualities of blackberry leaf may also prove useful in soothing a sore throat, and in treating

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