
Approach to Research Studies

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Approach to Research Studies
The field of social science typically applies the research methods of either qualitative or quantitative concept ( ). The quantitative research strategy incorporates approaches which emphasize on quantities. The quantitative method collects data, usually by numbers, and is evaluated by numerical and automated methods. The quantitative approach to research is primarily used in research in the field of physical science (book). However, the qualitative method customarily makes use of words to clarify extensive theories that cannot be apprehended statistically, for instance in such things as: an individual’s principles, state of mind, or objectives. The information that is composed, within the method of …show more content…

Whereas, in the qualitative method, the quantity of participants in much smaller and signifies a purpose, meaning, the sampling of participants is prearranged as consistent foundations of the material being pursued after. The principal differences in the methods of research are found in the outcome of the conclusions and the way the conclusions are conveyed. The quantitative method uses the conclusions acquired in the study to prove a theory and endorse methods of to be taken with the subject of the study. The conclusions of a qualitative study are principally exploratory and strive to give clarifications and explanations of the study subject.
Advantages and Disadvantages Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are significant in their own perspective, and they are not adversaries. By appreciating the wide nature of knowledge, the two methods allow for the research in diverse areas of studies with desired conclusions ( ). The quantitative method finds more application among physical sciences whereas; the qualitative method finds more use in the social sciences (book). The two methods of research allow for the variability in acquiring various materials, for example: some data is only relevant in the numerical sense, while some need the use of clarifications and observations.
Research Strategies Different styles of research are employed in research to safeguard that the facts are

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