
Neoconservatism In The United Sate

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Together with understanding the beliefs of neoconservatism and the importance, the attractiveness presents itself. With the disorder that can come from liberalism, conservatism proves to be a more secure, orderly option. A mother with children would no longer have to worry about the barrage of obscenity. In order for people to live in healthy society, while cultivating happiness, consideration is key. By human nature, stepping on the toes of others is a popular outcome. With order being provided by neoconservatism, the possibility of widespread would be a higher probability.
Neoconservatism doesn’t make its name by radical force, but a more middle of the road option. Neoconservatism is only interested in providing what is best for society. In the bounds of the United Sates, the objective is not to eliminate individual freedom, but to limit it. These limitations are healthy medium for those concerned with individual freedom and order. Equally important is that it provides a middle ground for those who are sided with individual and classical conservatism. There is a substantial distrust of the government while maintaining a care for the fabric of society. In like manner, the common good can be lost when individual freedom is left to run rampant, and neoconservatism works to maintain it. Each person living in society should be pleased on reasonable scale. That’s not to say that everyone should get what they want, but there should be a shared satisfaction. One of the most important goals in neoconservatism is to look after other people. Neoconservatism is especially attractive for those who feel modern liberalism is steering the country into a hole. Those who feel forgotten and not cared about are likely to find a home in a neoconservative driven society.
Predicted Outcome A world dominated by neoconservatism would be drastically different than what can be seen today. Today, the United States prides itself on the progression of its democratic system and inclusion of all citizens. Outcomes of such emphasis on progression and inclusion include programs put into place to support citizens. Some of these programs include welfare and social security. Topics along the lines of protest, and other policy are also

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