Module 3 Short Responses



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Apr 29, 2024





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Keneth E. Torres Southern New Hampshire University SCS 200 Module 3 Professor Mark Meis March 22, 2024 Module Three Question 1 In the textbox provided, brainstorm a list of keywords related to your topic. 1. bullying and school dropouts 2. parenting and bullies 3. suicide and bullying in elementary school 4. bullying and adulthood issues 5. cultural effect in bullying victims Module Three Question 2 Now type those keywords into an Internet search engine, such as Google. Spend some time looking through the results. In the textbox below, jot down the titles and hyperlinks of a few of the most interesting articles and websites that come up in your search. Write down at least one article and the corresponding hyperlink for each keyword or group of keywords. 1. Connecting Bullying and School Drop Out 2. The Connection Between Parenting Style and Bullying 3. Bullying and Youth Suicide: What Schools Need to Know - and Do 4. Long-term effects of bullying. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2014-306667. 5. Cultural Issues in Bullying and Cyberbullying among Children and Adolescents: Methodological Approaches for Comparative Research. International Journal of Developmental Science. 10. 3-8. 10.3233/DEV-16000085. Module Three Question 3 What are you finding? What new information have you learned about this issue? What new questions or thoughts do you have now that you have done some preliminary research?
Keneth E. Torres Southern New Hampshire University SCS 200 Module 3 Professor Mark Meis March 22, 2024 Parenting has an effect on bullies and bullying victims. Bullies are not born but made. Being an irresponsible parent or an over authoritarian parent can influence a child’s behavior and could lead to be a harsh bullying kid or a bullying victim. Some kids become bullies because they can get a "benefit" of it such attention, popularity, and the feeling of being in control. Module Three Question 4 Can you narrow your focus at all? If so, what do you wish to focus on? If you have a few options, what are they? (You don't necessarily need to narrow your focus. Mark found this helpful to do because his topic is very broad.) Bullying is an extensive topic. I would like to focus on bullying in schools but to be able to have a better understanding of it, I need to research how parenting, childhood and life before school can affect the kid and what effect can have to become a bully or a victim. Module Three Question 5 Based on the broad search, refine the list of keywords that you created on the previous page. List here any keywords or keyword combinations that returned results that are relevant to your social science issue. Then, note which keywords or combinations you will no longer use, as they returned off-topic or overly broad results. All the keywords I used before worked for me and showed relevant resources to my issue. Since I would like to focus on bullying at school, I might not use suicide and bullying in elementary school keywords and adulthood as well. Module Three Question 6 What professional organizations (other than social science organizations) might have relevant information about your issue? For example, someone researching war might utilize information provided by the United States Department of Defense. Find 1-2 organizations, and note them here. Since my focus is bullying in schools, the Department of Education might have relevant information, also the Office of Human Rights and the Association of Psychology.
Keneth E. Torres Southern New Hampshire University SCS 200 Module 3 Professor Mark Meis March 22, 2024 Module Three Question 7 Now select one of the digital libraries or organizations mentioned in this learning block (Shapiro Library, Google Scholar, etc.), and plug your keywords into that site. What credible sources come up in your search? Repeat this step with at least one more digital library/organization. In the textbox, type the titles of 6-8 of the most relevant results along with the corresponding hyperlinks so you can locate these resources later. Note which digital library/organization you used to find each study. 1. Perceived prevalence of teasing and bullying predicts high school dropout rates. Library: American Psychological Association 2. Parenting behavior and the risk of becoming a victim and a bully/victim: A meta- analysis study. Library: Shapiro Library 3. After Daughter's Suicide, Parents Sue School Over Bullying Response. https://link- u=nhc_main&sid=ebscoξd=694af505 Library: Gale 4. Consequences of Childhood Bullying on Mental Health and Relationships for Young Adults. Library: Shapiro Library 5. Cross-Cultural Comparison of Factors Associated with School Bullying in Japan and the United States. Library: American Psychological Association Module Three Question 8 Collect any information, links, articles, reports, or other resources that are relevant to your issue and capture this additional information in the text box below. Again, be sure
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