
Wizard Of Oz

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was written by Frank L. Baum and published May 17, 1899. He may have likely written this book as a metaphor, the Yellow Brick Road being the gold standard, the characters representing different candidates of the democratic and republican parties in the late 1800s. Though none of this was ever actually confirmed, this is a widely popularized theory about the book.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is the story of a girl named Dorothy who is taken away from her home in Kansas with her dog Toto to the magical land called Oz. There she becomes friends with a Scarecrow that doesn't have a brain, a cowardly Lion with no courage, and a Tin Man that doesn’t have a heart and the three make their way along the Yellow Brick Road to …show more content…

They went to go find the Witch but she had known they were coming for her, so she setup a trap to capture them. She ended up capturing Dorothy and the Lion but was unable to her them because of Dorothy’s silver slippers. The Witch found out why she couldn’t hurt Dorothy and tried to trip her in order to get her slippers off her feet. Once Dorothy found out what the Witch was trying to do she got mad and threw a bucket of water on the Witch. She accidently killed the Witch as the water made her start melting and soon die. They all went back to see the Oz so he could grant them their wishes. He says no which eventually ends with them finding out that the Oz is in fact not actually a wizard, just an old man who was also brought to Emerald City a long time ago. The Oz tells them that he can take them home in a hot air balloon but as they were leaving Dorothy is distracted by Toto and misses the hot air balloon ride home. With no other choice, she meets Glinda, a witch who is good. She tells Dorothy that if she wants to get …show more content…

It is one of the best children books I have read, which is why it is so known around the world and most popularly shown to children by their parents. The book is written beautifully word for word, if it was any different it would have the same powerful experience as it does now. The book was organized for the most part but was very jumpy at times wondering off from the storyline and its plot. As a kid the book completely held my attention. As a child I loved The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and being able to come back and read it again was a

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