
What Makes A Reference Design?

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Patrick Donovan is a senior Research Analyst with Schneider Electric’s data center with a rich experience of 16 years in designing and developing data center critical systems such as power systems and cooling systems for Schneider. He has won several accolades and award for his work.

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What is a reference design? – A reference design is a document that contains drawings, graphical representations and explanation about a design, features and performance specs that has already been developed tested and found to be effective. These reference designs help bridge the gap between the requirements and an initial design. As, often times getting started on the planning is the toughest part. Reference designs can be used for only a few part of the data center such as the IT room or for the entire data center that includes the electrical and mechanical rooms, specific attributes, the model or version number, etc. It is usually similar to a blueprint of some of the existing designs that are displayed either as diagrams or like a catalog, much like how builders do to show case the designs that they have successfully implemented. The beauty of these designs is that they can either be used as they are or can be highly customized based on the requirements. When organization decide to use reference designs, the first step even before involving reference designs is to identify the requirements and developing a plan of that would help identify the design that best

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