
Therapeutic Community Model Analysis

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Ohio is experiencing a drug epidemic alongside mass incarceration. The drug use does not stop once someone is incarcerated. The majority of the incarcerated are struggling with drug addiction. The incarcerated are becoming more creative with how they get drugs into prisons. A means to reduce this issue is the development of prison-based drug treatment.
While there are hundreds of methods waiting to be studied and considered effective, the most recent development of therapeutic community model is in question for effectiveness. What are the long-term effects on prison-based drug treatment? Is therapeutic community model reducing recidivism rates?
Review of the Literature
Characterization of drug overdoses in an Ohio incarcerated …show more content…

They stated, “In 2010 drug offenders accounted for one out of every seven state prison inmates and an even larger proportion of state prison inmates met the criteria for a substance use disorder. Only 15% of prison inmates who met the criteria for a substance use disorder received drug treatment in 2004 (Olson & Lurigio, 2014).” Olson & Lurigio also stated, “In California, the recidivism rate for those who completed treatment in prison and in an after-care program was 27% over three years, compared with 75% for those who did not participate in treatment (Olson & Lurigio, 2014).” They conclude that the incarcerated benefit the most from completing the therapeutic community model and intensive after-care drug treatment and have a reduced chance of repeating drug crimes and reentering …show more content…

The overdoses within prisons and failing treatment method, made it appear as if there was no hope of reducing recidivism. This negative material would benefit further research by digging further into prison-based drug treatment methods to find what is working. Surely, the correctional system is not doing more harm to people than providing treatment that could help them. The material that discusses the therapeutic community and intensive after-care provided the most hope that a program has been developed and shows positive results. This article provided negative results for the inmates that did not continue after-care treatment, along with the positive results of the inmates that did continue after-care treatment. This article had statistics that backed up either route the inmate decided to take. This article would help further research by providing a specific topic to research. It was clear that the inmates were showing a reduction in recidivism when completing treatment within the therapeutic community and following up with intensive after-care treatment. This provides a guide in which topics to further explore in order to further research what treatment methods are working for the inmates who struggle with drug

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