
The Safety And Welfare Of The Wild Animals

Decent Essays

The question if wild animals should live in city zoos is a question that has come up quite often. There are multiple opinions, pros and cons to the safety and welfare of the wild animals. Zoo officials do not take notice of the harm in keeping the wild animals away from their natural environment, they contemplate it more as keeping the animals in a safe environment where they can thrive and acquire the utmost care. Not everybody has the same mindset on this issue. Many animal rights activist groups and well educated citizens continue to educate the media on the topic of the harm and dangers of keeping wild animals in zoos. They strongly feel it is animal abuse to keep such animals contained in a space that is not even close to the magnitude that they require and accustomed to. Animal rights activists ' also feel that it is mentally unhealthy and is the cause for the unpredictable behavior of the animals and the attacks that have taken place. Both sides have strong arguments and documentations to support their standpoint.

Considering all my findings and looking at both sides I can sympathize with both zoo officials and animal rights activists. Progressing into my research I had various mixed emotions and was unsure if I agreed or disagreed with zoo officials and animal rights activists. As I did proceed with my research I did come across some highly interesting findings, a few more appealing than others. I have no doubt in my mind that both parties are

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