
The Nuclear Family

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American families have changed tremendously over the past years. Families did not only face the change in their status or social behavior, but also faced a change in their lifestyle. Now there are different types of families with different types of norms and values. Families are socially, ethnically and very expressively diverse than ever before. Back in the time, the role family was totally different, the parents were more strict than today. It could be said that the nuclear family is the nucleus of a society that reproduces through this type of family. what is the meaning of the nuclear family?. Basically, the nuclear family has as main characteristic that it is a concept of family that is a role and perfect familiar group that conforms …show more content…

33). In addition, today we can see so many families that does not fit in the traditional family. Now most of the families both parents work and take care about the kids and the households. It is common to see unmarried couples with two or three children. For example, my parents started a relationship when they were eighteen years old, after two years my mom got pregnant. My older brother born and three years later my parents got married. In that time was not very common to see families like mine, but my parents did not care about it. Nevertheless, some people still think that the nuclear family is the same that was in the 50’s, but the truth is that the time is changing and a lot of people are focusing more in the modern families. Back in the time, being a single parent was considered wrong. It was completely different and out of the typical and traditional nuclear family. But now single parenthood is considered more acceptable. One parent families may still result from the death of a significant other, but now also come about through decisions or divorce. For example, I have so many aunts that are single moms, some of they are divorced, others are widows, and a few of them does not know who are the father of their kids. I grew up in Guatemala and this is so common to happen in my country. Being raised by only one parent seems impossible, but children of single parents can be just as progressive with emotional, social and behavioural skills as those with two

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