
The Little Guys Dbq Essay

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Are We Slicing the Pie Correctly? “To budget is to fight over money and the things money buys” (Document A). The federal budget is adjusted every year and has to follow certain criteria set forward by the Preamble to the Constitution. The Preamble sets five goals that the budget must fulfill, these goals are: to establish justice, to insure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defence, to promote the general welfare, and to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our prosperity. Furthermore, it is difficult to decide what clusters of the federal budget to allocate money to in order to meet the five goals of the Preamble which are “The Big Five”, “The Middle Five”, and “The Little Guys.” In each of the three budget clusters, …show more content…

It is extremely fascinating that “general science and space (NASA) accounts for thirty-one billion dollars as opposed to national park service which only gets three billion dollars” (Document E). Thusly, funds from general science and space should be designated to national park service because national parks provide for the domestic tranquility with their relaxing and tranquil sites and serene environment. To continue, there are “fifty-eight national parks, 123 historic sites, and seventy-four national monuments” that have to be maintained and renovated so how can three million dollars be enough for all of these pieces and memorials of history (Document E)? General science and space would survive a cut in funds considering that America is no longer in the space race with Russia and it is not all that often that NASA sends new satellites into orbit or rovers to different planets. General science and space is not as useful as it used to be due to a growing number of private companies that are starting to take over the science and space industry. For these reasons, national park service needs to make up more than “just greater than .1 percent” of the budget (Document E). In conclusion, there are changes that need to be made to all three major clusters of the federal

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