
The Integrated Family Systems Approach

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People develop problems for a variety of reasons and those problems serve various purposes according to the integrated family systems approach. A person can acquire emotional, behavioral or psychological problems due to family and social environment, abuse or genetics. In addition to that, being influenced by family systems a client’s presenting problem can be contributed to by their family. A person’s problem may serve a specific role in the family’s dynamics, the problem may also be inadvertently encouraged by the family, a family’s incompetence to be constructive especially during “developmental transitions” or be attributed to the family’s dysfunction (Corey, 2013, p.435) .This way of viewing problems is broad and allows to a person to be viewed as part of a family system. It is also beneficial to view problems outside of the individual because it allows the therapist to see the client for than just a medical issue to be solved. A person and their problems do not exist in a vacuum but in a world that who people especially within a family influence and impact each other. The goals of the integrated family systems approach are multifocal as they focus on the parents of the family system, on the individual problems of members of the family and their interconnection with each other. The goal of helping parents become leaders and effective parents is derived from Adler’s family systems approach. The second goal which focuses on individual member comes from

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