
The Importance Of Hand Hygiene

Decent Essays

Hand hygiene is simply the act of cleansing one’s hands. When done properly, it removes or destroys microorganisms on hands which cause diseases. It is very effective in preventing health care infections. Different ways of achieving hand hygiene include washing with soap and water or applying a waterless antimicrobial hand rub to the hands commonly known as sanitizing.
Health care associated infections (HAI’s) are a infections that patients acquire when they are receiving treatment for other conditions at a healthcare facility. Health care associated infections are a significant issue in the United States and throughout the world but following proper hand hygiene practices is the most effective and least expensive way to prevent HAIs …show more content…

Barriers to hand hygiene compliance include factors such as forgetfulness, skin irritation, poor education and lack of resources. Another potential barrier is the presence of the phenomenon known as the “Hawthorne Effect” in which workers temporarily actin a different way than they would normally because they know they are being watched (Winship, S., & McClunie – Trust, P., 2016, p.2). When healthcare professionals are aware that they are being observed, they are more likely to comply with hand hygiene guidelines. This is particularly true when healthcare workers are attending to patients in the hallway.
The National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) program was established by the joints commission to help healthcare organizations address specific areas of concern in regard to patient safety. It is important that members of the healthcare team understand the National Patient Safety Goals and understand their roles in promoting patient safety. Goal 7 of the National Patient Safety Goals talks about reducing the risk of healthcare associated infections. NPSG, 07.01.01 encourages us to comply with either the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hand hygiene guidelines or the current World Health

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