
Tda 2.2

Decent Essays

TDA 2.2 Task 1 1.1 * Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people, including e-safety. These are as follows Children’s act 1989/2004 Education act 2002 ECM/EYFS E safety 2008 Human rights act Equal opportunities act Safeguarding Health and safety Disability Discrimination act/ SENDA 1.2 * Describe the roles of different agencies involved in safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. Social services- They work in partnership with families and other agencies. When a concern is raised about a child they can carry out assessments. Meet and conduct interviews with the child and family members. Liaise with and gather other information from …show more content…

There are risks of sexual or emotional abuse when using modern technologies. The most common risks are giving out personal information about themselves. Accessing inappropriate information, often accidentally when innocent words are put into search engines. Consequences of sharing personal information- children often put personal information about themselves on social networking sites etc. This makes them easy to be identified. Information such as addresses, phone numbers and photographs. This can make them easy targets for adults who want to exploit them by building friendships with children online with an intention of meeting them (grooming). They could encourage children to engage in the conversations of a sexual nature. Taking and/or distributing photos using the internet. Risks of accessing inappropriate information. There is a high risk of children accidentally accessing inappropriate or even pornographic materials, when searching for information online. Children and young people must be supervised when using computers in school to minimise the risks even though the computers may have firewalls already in place. Its essential children are aware of the risks and of ways to protect themselves. They should also know how to report things they may come across. 3.3 * Describe the actions to take in response to evidence or concerns that a child or young person had been abused, harmed (including self-harm) or bullied, or may be at risk from

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