
Solar Energy And Renewable Energy

Decent Essays

The search for cost effective and efficient renewable energy is becoming an increasingly important area of study. According to Sampaio, “with the increase of population and technologic and economic development, human beings need more energy to create a better life environment.” Fossil fuel energy sources, while cost effective, have major environmental impacts that add to global warming, acid rain, and climate change. One renewable resource that is sustainable and readily abundant is solar energy, which is a reasonable and readily available replacement for fossil fuel energy sources globally. Solar energy is considered renewable because it is a natural source of energy that is not depleted when used, as it will take Harvesting and converting the energy delivered to Earth by the sun makes sense in many regions of the world. The sun is Earth’s main source of energy and is the original source of energy stored in fossil fuels. Rather than harvest dirty fuels that take millions of years to form, why not go to the primary source of that energy and find a way to harvest it like the plants that formed into fossil fuels did? The process of converting light energy into electricity or heat is called photovoltaics. According to Hosenuzzaman, “photovoltaics is the direct conversion system that converts sunlight into electricity without the help of machines or mobile devices.” Solar radiation is converted to electricity in materials that are called semiconductors. The material that is

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