
Soda Companies Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Recently there has been an ongoing battle between the US government and large soda companies. money is the sole purpose behind this battle. Soda companies want to sell their product by whatever means are necessary while the government wants to decrease the obesity rate in the country. Because the government intervined with this, the soda companies continued sales by advertising the sodas being good for you. Soda companies such as Pepsi released advertisements that used tactics to make Americans believe their product is healthy, good to buy and beneficial to the consumer. The modern-day epidemic of obesity in America is destroying lives and bankrupting the government. Reuters reports, “Obesity in America is now adding an astounding $190 billion to the annual national healthcare price tag” (Ungar 2012). This number is so high due to hospital costs and prescription drugs. The number even exceeds the medical costs due to smoking. Fortunately for the government, smokers die earlier and save the government money on things such as Social Security, private pensions and Medicare. (Ungar 2012) However, obese people tend to live almost as long as those who have a healthy weight and require more medical care throughout their lives, which costs the government substantial amounts of money. …show more content…

In the early 2000‘s the Federal government, along with local governments, teamed up with schools to raise the quality of the food provided in schools and educate their students on nutritional knowledge and benefits of a healthier lifestyle. States began to ban soda sales in elementary schools and limit the sales in high

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