
Short Story : ' Go Set A Watchman '

Better Essays

Name:___________________ Date:_______ Period:__ Go Set A Watchman Post Reading Test 2015-2016 For the following Multiple choice questions please select only 1 answer for each question and circle the letter that corresponds with the best answer provided. (1 point each) Multiple Choice: One of the protagonist’s name is Jean Louise Finch (aka Scout), how did she arrive at her childhood hometown? Train GreyHound Bus Airplane Drove herself Which city does Scout come from? New York City Chicago Los Angles Atlanta After Jean arrives at Maycomb, who does she first meet? Atticus Finch Henry Aunt Alexandra Jem Finch When Jean arrives at the house, who was there to greet her? Aunt Alexandra Atticus Finch Uncle Jack Both A & C Who lives separate from the husband/wife? Atticus Finch Uncle Jack Aunt Alexandra Boo Radley Why doesn’t Aunt Alexandra want Scout to marry Henry Clinton? Because he is a racist He is from a lower social class than her Jean can’t afford a wedding Henry is already in love with another woman What aspects of Henry and Atticus’s personality does Jean not enjoy the most? Mr. KnowItAll Their sarcasm Their dorkiness Their hypocrisy What Atticus drink daily instead of coffee? Vodka Orange Juice Milk Coke What birth “defect” does Jean Louise believe she has? Color Blindness Inability to know when to talking Racial Blindness Illogical thinking What accessory does Jean Louise wear to the school dance to enhance her body image? Ear-Rings

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