
Shan Jackson Case Summary

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Miss Jackson is planning on opening a coffeehouse in the Denver, Colorado area. Her plan is to use her Christian background and apply it towards her company. Despite the exciting new venture she’s willing to partake, her husband Marvin is not excited and shares no interest in partaking it the Coffee shops operations or management. Shania Jackson is considering organizing her business as a partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture or an LLC. Shania is also contemplating on calling her business the gathering house. Prior to recommending what actions Shania should take, I will study and explore each of her possible business considerations and offer her Christian advice.

Choosing the proper form for one’s business is one of the most important decisions a business owner can make. Shania Jackson has a lot of different options in her disposal. Each of the different 5 forms that …show more content…

There are no corporate tax payments, for she’ll claim and pay the taxes on income from the ‘Charming Place” as part of her personal income tax payments. Also, in a proprietor, there are bantam legal costs to incorporate her business into a sole proprietorship. Best of all there are diminutive formal business requirements.

Disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship
Shania can be held personally liable for any debts that hasn’t been paid for or any other obligations of the business. In addition, she’ll be held accountable for any mischievous acts committed by any of her “Charming Place” employees. All of the responsibilities and decisions fall on her as the sole proprietor. Shania should also not that investors usually have doubts when considering whether or not to invest in a sole proprietorship. Due to the lack of investors, Shania will most likely have to get a loan or some sort of crowd funding to help the startup.

Advantages of a

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