
Relational Database For Relational Databases

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A simple, unpopular family-owned store has just created a website. On this website, they give their customers the ability to create accounts, shop, buy products and have products shipped directly to their homes. Every customer’s personal, shipping and payment information as well as every product’s price, description and/or picture is needed to be stored and organized somewhere where it could be easily processed. All this necessary data could most likely be found in a relational database that the store uses to efficiently run all the necessary transactions. In this database, all the data is collected and grouped into different pockets or tables that better categorize the information. Through the relationships created between the tables, …show more content…

It has become hard to scale relational databases in the direction and to the degree needed to manage big data in a successful and less expensive way. Instead, a new system, known as “NoSQL” or “Not Only SQL”, has been created that makes the processing of terabytes and even petabytes of data possible (Paghy, “RDBMS to NoSQL”).
Many social networking and/or big data companies like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google and Amazon are now known for using NoSQL databases. This is because NoSQL systems are non-relational and do not structure their data in tables or typically manipulate or process the data with SQL. Having less restrictions than a relational database, NoSQL has the ability to better handle huge quantities of data in a more efficient way (Moniruzzaman, “NoSQL Database…”). This paper will dig deeper in the several characteristics of NoSQL database systems that separate them from the relational ones. It will also introduce the different models that make up the system as well and a few examples that are currently being used and becoming popular today.
1. Characteristics of NoSQL
NoSQL is best known for typically being “non-relational”, meaning that it can store and link data without any structured restrictions (Paghy, “RDBMS to NoSQL”). This gives NoSQL databases the ability to do so much more than a simple relational database could. It makes them scalable

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