
Pricing Strategies : Pricing Strategy, Skimming, And Life Cycle Pricing

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There are many different types of pricing strategies that can be used; however, there are three pricing strategies that are more commonly used with entrepreneur than the other pricing strategies. These three pricing strategies are: penetration pricing strategy, skimming, and life-cycle pricing. Penetration pricing strategy is best used if entrepreneurs is presenting a new product that might make customers weary of. Penetration pricing sets the price just above the total unit cost to help the company develop a wedge in the market that allows the company quick access to the high volume of sales. The penetration strategy helps to discourage similar competitors from entering the market place giving the company a sense of stability. A penetration pricing strategy works if the companies’ products or service does not costs too much to produce or serve. Skimming is another pricing strategy that entrepreneurs can use when deciding pricing. Skimming pricing strategy is often used when a company introduces a unique product into the market with little competition (PG 94). Skimming pricing strategy allows the entrepreneur to set its prices higher than others because the customers have a higher spending power and these customers are willing to pay more than other customers. Also, this strategy is used so that an entrepreneur can retain its profit quicker than normal because of the higher price. When entrepreneurs sets their prices higher this tells potential customers , this higher

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