
Persuasive Essay On Internet Censorship

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Information is one of the most powerful tools in the world, even going so far as to make or break countries. There is a constant effort to censor information that puts people or countries in a negative light. This makes the citizens of those countries blind to the truths of the government turning them into sheep. The people shouldn’t be sheep because we need them to shape the future. This bill has the sole purpose of loosening internet censorship because it eliminates free will, causes people to have a dangerous amount of patriotism and ultimately makes the internet a more dangerous place than it is. Censorship of the internet keeps people from important knowledge thereby believing that everything on the internet is true. A study was conducted to look into a handful of billionaires who run tech companies in 24 hours and found “more than 137 examples of Silicon Valley companies brazenly banning users, censoring content and manipulating search results to undermine the democratization of information on the web.” (PR Newswire). The people with money abuse internet censorship in order to further their own agenda with the support of the greedy. They completely ignore that the internet is supposed to be a resource for everyone. Internet censorship makes countries rot because “When you have strict censorship of the internet, young students cannot receive a full education. Their view of the world is imbalanced. There can be no true discussion of the issues.” (Ai WeiWei). The Futures of countries become full of ignorance to the reality of the world. The only truly successful internet censorship is China’s system and while it is impressive to maintain it “China employs 2 million to monitor websites” (YaleGlobal Online). This is an unreasonable amount to employ for any country, while feasible for the US it would cost us one of the biggest resources in the world. This lack of free will causes citizens to have an unhealthy amount of patriotism because of the lack of any knowledge of major screw ups as a country. Citizens show a disturbing amount of patriotism which, while patriotism is good, too much is not caused by people not knowing the bads of their country. China, again as an example, have pushed censorship to the

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