
PETA: People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals

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After spending a good amount of time on the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA) website, I had to simply lie down in my easy chair and take some deep breaths due to the anger that was raging inside me. Being around animal agriculture for a good majority of my life, defending it has become something that has really struck my interest lately. PETA is a pretty well-known name, not only around the agriculture world, but the United States in general. This organizations sole purpose is to give agriculture and agriculturalists a bad name, and let me tell you, they are succeeding. They are starting this new campaign that has to do with keeping meat off of your plate. This is something that really infuriated me, because they are making videos to support this idea, without getting all of the cold, hard facts. …show more content…

PETA kind of does the same thing when they make statements about the agricultural community. When they make videos, they just a bit of fact, then sugar coat it with lies in order to make it seem like people who produce animals are these terrible people who need to be stopped. To put things in a more realistic perspective for you; producing animals for human consumption is a job. What is the purpose of your job? To make money right? PETA looks at agriculture as just a job, and they think that all we care about is making money. The part that they are misinforming people about is, that even though animal agriculture is in fact a job, agriculturalists aren’t just in it for the money. If farmers and ranchers were in it just for the money, then they actually wouldn’t be making money because their animals would not be cared for

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