
Family : A Family Of Affinity, And An Extended Family Essay

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We began this semester talking about what the definition of a family was. We delved into the definitions of each type of family, focusing mainly on a nuclear family, a family of affinity, and an extended family. I recently began watching this TV show called The Fosters. This show is the definition of a family of affinity, it follows two monogamous lesbian women who aren’t married but have been together for years. One of the women has a son by her ex-husband and the two women together have adopted two children and are fostering two more. It is interesting following the story of this family, how each of them view themselves as brother and sister, even though two of them are new to the family. My family is currently in the launching- center stage. My oldest brother and my two older sisters have left the home and it is just my mother and I; although my mother and I have recently moved in with my oldest sister making things difficult. My sister and I never really got along and with this move everything is basically as if we are young again arguing over every little thing. My family isn’t really the talk it out kind of family, we never have been. We hold in everything that makes us angry or sad, maybe stop talking to each other for a while, then we go back to life as if nothing has happened. It works for a few months, then everything that has been building up comes out and we just lash out at each other. Once everything that we have held in comes out though, we laugh, but we

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