
Effects Of Prison Overcrowding

Decent Essays

My paper will discuss the problems and a few of the effects that prison overcrowding causes towards the inmates and the guards. I will first address the issue of violence that prison overcrowding causes. My next point will be the health of the inmates discussing both their physical and mental while in overcrowded prisons. Lastly I will discuss the physical and mental health of the correctional officers and how the job could lead to correctional officers having issues in their private life.
Prison Overcrowding has become a major issue in the United States. Many laws such as the three strikes law and also mandatory minimums have played a major part in prison overcrowding in the United States. The violence that is caused by prison …show more content…

Compared to mental health workers correctional officers are assaulted nearly twice as much (Schenk & Fremouw, 2012). Sexual violence inside of prisons is issue in which the government has put effort in to address with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 however a study of black men was conducted and 43 % of those men indicated that they have a least heard sexual acts of violence occur inside of the prison (Rowell-Cunsolo, Harrison, & Haile, 2014). Across the United States about 4% of the inmates have been a victim of sexual assault (Daquin, Daigle, & Johnson Listwan, 2016). Other than sexual assault around 32% and up to 66% of inmates have been a victim of some type of physical violence (Daquin, Daigle, & Johnson Listwan, 2016). Also 18% to 49% of inmates have had property stolen from them (Daquin, Daigle, & Johnson Listwan, 2016). Also other factors that can contribute to violence occurring inside of prisons is gang membership. This is usually an identifier for the inmates to know who to attack and who to leave alone. Also sexual predators are subjected to some sort of violence because of the crime that landed them inside of the prison. The amount of time that you spend in prison can contribute to whether you become a victim or not (Ross, 2012). This is why prison overcrowding has become such a major problem for violence the

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