
Dm Chapter 2 Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

After reading chapters 2 and 3 and watching the video on the advantages and disadvantages of the newest DSM, I feel very overwhelmed with information but also intrigued. First, I thought the video was very interesting. I definitely think he had a point that sometimes people’s life experiences and their reactions could be seen as symptoms of a mental illness or disorder, so we cannot be so quick to say that just because someone displays certain symptoms or behaviors that they have a mental illness. I also agreed with him when he talked about how there might be people out there not receiving help when they need it while there are others who are receiving help when they don’t necessarily need it. Overall I understood his perspective, but without knowing very much about the newest version of the DSM, it’s hard for me to say whether I completely agreed or disagreed with him. …show more content…

In chapter 2, I really enjoyed learning about all of the different models (psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, etc.) and what each of them represents. I particularly liked learning about Carl Roger’s and his client-centered therapy, because I think this is such an important approach to therapy and helping others. I also thought it was interesting learning about Freud and Gestalt therapy. I think both of these theories are a little out there, especially Freud’s theories on instincts being sexually driven, but definitely have some interesting points. In chapter 3, I thought it was interesting learning about all of the different testing methods that can be used, especially ones like MMPI and IQ tests. I think it’s incredible what can be learned from these. I also liked learning about the DSM and I thought it was interesting that there have been so many revisions and changes to keep up with societal

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