
Death : Death And Death

Decent Essays

In the United States over two million people die a year (Death). With death comes the questions countless people wonder about. What is Death? Why did they die? Why couldn’t it have been someone else? When a loved one is lost, these questions could be circling through their heads. Death is when someone’s time on Earth has come to a close, there are numerous causes of death and people often wonder why it has to happen. Death is a part of life that everybody has to deal with. There is no way around it and no way to escape it. The best thing to do is to live your life to the fullest so that you can accomplish everything on your bucket list before your life ends. You never know when your life could conclude so live every day as if it is your last. There are numerous causes of death from accidents to illnesses, but people often wonder why death has to happen. Death doesn’t happen the same way for everyone. There are numerous ways people die and it doesn’t always happen the same way. Countless amounts of people die from illness related problems, but that isn’t the only way people die. There is also the chance of getting in a car accident and having life ending injuries where you can’t survive. Another way that numerous people die is from self-harm, also known as suicide. Almost 2 million people die from an illness or a disease that they cannot fight through (Death). Those diseases range from heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, pneumonia, and Alzheimer’s disease. There is no

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