
Critical Thinking Case Summary

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Jr has no problem making and keeping friends, socializing was not an issue for him, and reports having a large social group including social network. He reports that his friends have influenced him towards his life choices and he recognizes where he went wrong. Jr reports that though he had a lot of friends many left when he faces criminal charges or suffered multiple overdoses. Jr realizes that in order to remain sober he must leave his friends behind and focus on himself. In discussing Jr’s psychological health, he reports that he is not on any current medication. He reported previous signs of depression, but he plans to seek treatment for depression through the rehab facility as well. He has been to previous counseling sessions before due to multiple suicide attempts, but did not follow through due to him not being ready for help. Physically, Jr is considered underweight and struggles to keep food down, or build an appetite when he is not sober. Jr has expressed a great amount of trouble dealing with his ability to articulate feelings. He reports finding it easy in forming friendships, but it seems that he lacks emotional availability when it comes to keeping stabled friendships as …show more content…

Seeking therapy and rehab to work on his low self-esteem and self-worth, as well as bed temper, and negative outlook in life, would be helpful in order for him to remain sober. His views on rehab are positive and negative at the same time. Positive outlook: he will remain sober throughout the program and once he is out. Negative outlook: he will relapse after he is done with the program, and doubts himself. Jr has reported that he will try his best to remain sober throughout the program and after he will change his environment and the people involved in it. Jr’s strengths came from him focusing on improving his lifestyle and having the support of his

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