
College Admissions Essay: My Pursuit Of Happiness

Decent Essays

Happiness is something everyone strives for and if you are not, then I guess you already found it. I believe when I get a job and a family that happiness is the key to enjoying life. If I am not happy with a job or I dread going to work every day, then I will look for a new one. The point is that having the college and job of my choice already set up for me is about the best thing anyone can ask for. I picked this miracle worker because it provides me with the most happiness out of all the things I could ask for. The only reason why I would not want this miracle would be because I could enjoy the adventures along the path to my career. College can be stressful and the long nights studying, trying to get a degree is overwhelming at times. With this miracle worker the stress is gone and all I would have to do it attend the classes and party hardy. The relief of knowing that I get my dream job right out of college is unlike anything else. Why would anyone not want to have that insurance? College has been already fun while studying and working hard in classes. Imagine it as a place where I just party hardy for four years, then go do your dream job. …show more content…

With my dream job intact and the area of my dreams cemented I would have no worries. Money would not be an issue because my job would pay very well, and job security would be a worry because my miracle worker worked it all out. I would be able to bring my family in whenever I wanted because of the amount of money I would be making. My children would go to some of the nicest schools, but would not be spoiled with things. Nobody would know of my miracle worker because I feel it would put a distraction on the kind of person I am. I feel like if my children and friends know I did not work hard for where I am, I would not give them the right interpretation of who I actually

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