
Cloud Database : A Shift Toward New Paradigm

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Cloud Databases : A shift towards new paradigm.


.In this paper, we analyze the design choices that allowed modern scalable data management systems to achieve orders of magnitude higher levels of scalability compared to traditional databases. The challenge of building consistent, available, and scalable data management systems capable of serving petabytes of data for millions of users has confronted the data management research community as well as large internet enterprises. Current proposed solutions to scalable data management, driven primarily by prevalent application requirements, limit consistent access to only the granularity of single objects, rows, or keys, thereby trading off consistency for high scalability …show more content…

Cash-strapped organizations look for alternatives which can reduce their capital investments involved in purchasing and maintaining IT hardware and software so that they can get maximum benefits of IT. Cloud computing (CC) becomes a natural and ideal choice for such organizations and customers. Cloud computing takes benefit of many technologies such as server consolidation, huge and faster storage, grid computing, virtualization, N-tier architecture and robust networks. It delivers highly scalable and expensive infrastructure with minimal set up and negligible maintenance cost. It provides IT-related services such as Software-as-a-Service, Development Platforms-as-a-Service and Infrastructure-asa-Service over the network on-demand anytime from anywhere on the basis of “pay-as-you-go" model. It is a fast growing concept changing the IT related perceptions of its users. Elasticity, scalability, high availability, priceper-usage and multi-tenancy are the main features of Cloud computing. It reduces the cost of using expensive resources at the provider’s end due to economies of scale. Quick provisioning and immediate deployment of latest applications at lesser cost are the benefits which force people to adopt Cloud computing. Cloud computing has brought a paradigm shift not in the technology landscape, but also in the database landscape. With more usage of Cloud computing,

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