
Argumentative Essay: The War On Drugs

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"The War on Drugs" is an American term commonly applied to a campaign of prohibition of drugs, military aid, and military intervention, with the stated aim being to reduce the illegal drug trade. Nixon declared the war on drugs in 1971. the war on drugs wasn't meant to make America safer or more productive. It was meant to mute President Richard Nixon's toughest critics, to criminalize black people and so-called anti-war hippies.
Why is war on drug a failure? People will argue that that there are just simply to many drugs coming into the US. “As of 2014, we had 2.2 million people in our nation's prisons and jails -- a 350% increase over the past four decades.” (CNN) The jails are starting to get crowded. In some places the state will put you in a tent surrounded by barbwire and call that jail. But it’s not a bad thing also …show more content…

Illicit activities are worth 650bn worldwide, of which $320BN is due to drug alone. Other high value illegal trade was counterfeiting worth $250bn and human trafficking $31.6bn. drug trafficking is one of the big cost and its 10 times bigger than human trafficking. It’s impossible to stop the amount of drug that comes to the us.
Prices of heroin, cocaine and cannabis fell by 81%, 80%, and 86%between 1990 and 2007. We got more people doing drug since it’s so cheap. Decreasing the price increase the drug trade. Imagine what 320bn looks like since the price went down. People can now make illegal drug in their basement for cheap and get more amount than back in the day.
Heroin is cheaper but the purity increased by 60%. Cocaine’s purity increased by 11%. Cannabis by 161%. Some today could get some cocaine that was worth $100 1980 and today they could it now for 20 and with purity strong by 11% it will get them more high and they want more of it after it wears off. Now that they are adding different kind of chemicals into the drug that will get them more of the high feeling for

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