
Iop Essay

Decent Essays

As I talk to customers about Hadoop, they share some dos and don’ts based on their experience. Please kKeep in mind that there will be many more best practices as the technology matures into the mainstream and is implemented. Start small and expand Every organization has many projects, and you rely heavily on technology to solve your business needs. You have probably heard to focus on a project that gives you the big bang for your buck. For Hadoop, Identify identify a small project with an immediate need for Hadoop. Too many times I have witnessed projects fail in companies due to the level of complexity, lack of resources, and high expenses. By sSelecting a small project to get started which allows the IT and business staffs to become familiar with the interworking of this emerging technology. The beauty of Hadoop is that it allows you to start small and add nodes as you go. Consider commodity server Many database vendors offer commercial Hadoop distribution with their appliance or hardware. This offer can easily be integrated with the current data warehouse infrastructure. However, I work with customers who adopted commodity server to control costs and work within their budgets. Commodity servers are simply a bunch of disks with single power supplies to store data. Adopting commodity servers will require resources to be trained, to manage and gain knowledge of how Hadoop works on commodity. Adopting commodity can be an alternative but may not be suited for your

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