Case Study Acute Coronary Syndrome and Myocardial Infarction Part 1



College of the Sequoias *

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Apr 29, 2024





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Case Study Acute Coronary Syndrome and Myocardial Infarction Part 1 HPI: JoAnn Smith is a 68-year-old woman who presents to the emergency department (ED) after having three days of progressive weakness. She denies chest pain but admits to shortness of breath (SOB) that increases with activity. She also has epigastric pain with nausea that has been intermittent for 20-30 minutes over the last three days. She reports that her epigastric pain has gotten worse and is now radiating into her neck. Her husband called 9-1-1 and she was transported to the hospital by emergency medical services (EMS). Social History: JoAnn is a recently retired math teacher who continues to substitute teach part-time. She is physically active and lives independently with her spouse in her own home. She has smoked 1 pack per day for the past 40 years. JoAnn appears anxious and immediately asks repeatedly for her husband upon arrival. PMH: Type 2 DM, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, CVA with no deficits, GERD. Anemia Home Medications : Iron 325 mg daily, Lisinopril 5 md daily, Simvastatin 20 mg daily, Aspirin 81 mg daily, Clopidogrel 75 md daily, Omeprazole 20 mg daily, Metformin 500 mg twice a day Vital Signs and Physical Exam Temp 99.2 F/37.3 C HR 128 Regular Resp 24 Regular BP: 108/58 02 Sats: 99% on room air Pain: 5/10 Left arm that radiates into neck General Appearance: Anxious, uncomfortable, body tense Resp: Labored, coarse crackles in bases bilaterally anterior/posterior Cardiac: Pale, diaphoretic, no edema, S1 S2 normal, pulses strong Neuro: A/O x 4 GI: Bowel Sounds x 4 Abdomen soft/non tender GU: Voiding without difficulty, urine clear/yellow Skin: Skin intact
EKG: ST elevation in the inferior leads of II, III, and AVF (Inferior STEMI is usually caused by occlusion of the right coronary artery, or less commonly the left circumflex artery, causing infarction of the inferior wall of the heart. Upon ECG analysis, inferior STEMI displays ST-elevation in leads II, III, and aVF.) Chest X-ray: Scattered bilateral opacities consistent with atelectasis or pulmonary edema Echo: EF of 25% (heart failure) LABS: WBC 10.5 NA+: 135 Hgb 12.9 (slightly low) K+: 4.1 Plt: 225 Glucose: 184 (high-normal for DM2) Neutrophils: 70% Creat: 1.5 (elevated) Mag 1.8 BNP 1150 (high) Troponin: 1.8 (high) Discussion Questions: 1. Based on the information given to you, what Medical Diagnosis do you suspect? What clinical manifestations led you to this conclusion? In this case, I suspect the medical diagnosis of Mrs. Smith is Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) with Myocardial Infarction (MI). These clinical manifestations have led me to this conclusion: ST elevation in the inferior leads of II, III, and AVF Elevated BNP and Troponin Intermittent nausea HR 128 Resp 24 Pale, diaphoretic Intermittent epigastric pain that is radiating to neck MI and going into cardiogenic shock 2. What is the underlying cause of Mrs. Smith’s primary problem? The underlying cause of Mrs. Smiths primary problem is likely a myocardial infarction. The ST elevation indicates ischemia or injury to the heart muscle, which is commonly caused by a blockage in the coronary arteries. Diabetes or hypertension leading to ACS 3. What concepts will you focus on for this patient? What are the top 3 priorities you will have for this patient? List 3 Nursing Diagnosis for this patient? Priority concepts: Oxygenation (assess lungs, ABGs, give oxygen)
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