_CYBI 3345 - Lab 04_ Processes in Linux



University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley *

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Computer Science


Apr 29, 2024





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Precious Ramos CYBI 3345 April 24, 2024 Wendy A. Sanchez Gomez Lab 04 - Manipulating files and directories in Linux
INTRODUCTION: In this lab, we delve into the fundamental aspects of manipulating files and directories in a Linux environment. Understanding these concepts is crucial for effective system administration, software development, and everyday tasks on Linux-based systems. We will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using old command line programs, delve into Linux wildcards, compare hard links and symbolic links, discuss Linux's abstraction of network settings and devices, and familiarize ourselves with key top-level directories in the Linux filesystem. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Open a terminal Step 1. Open a terminal on Linux (“Ctrl + Alt + T”) Viewing memory information Step 2 . Build a playground. - Within the screenshot, I created a directory named playground. Step 3 . Create directories. - Within the screenshot, I changed my directory to playground and within the playground directory, I created two directories.
Step 4 . Copy files - Within the screenshot, I copied and file and listed it. Step 5. Copy file with -v and -i options. - These commands are useful for copying files from one location to another in Linux, with the -v option providing progress information and the -i option ensuring interactive confirmation before overwriting existing files. Step 6 . Moving and renaming files.
- The command mv passwd fun in Linux moves (or renames) the file named "passwd" to "fun" in the current directory. If a file named "fun" already exists in the directory, it will be overwritten by the "passwd" file. Step 7. Moving and renaming files. - The command mv dir1 dir2 in Linux moves the directory named "dir1" into another directory named "dir2." If "dir2" does not exist, it will rename "dir1" to "dir2."
Step 8 . Creating Hard Links - The command ln fun fun-hard creates a hard link named "fun-hard" pointing to the same file as "fun." Both "fun" and "fun-hard" now refer to the same file on the filesystem.
Step 9. Creating symbolic links. - The command ln -s fun fun-sym creates a symbolic link named "fun-sym" that points to the file "fun" in the filesystem. Unlike a hard link, a symbolic link is a separate file that contains the path to the target file ("fun" in this case). Step 10. Creating symbolic links - The command ln -s dir1 dir1-sym creates a symbolic link named "dir1-sym" that points to the directory "dir1" in the filesystem. This symbolic link allows you to access the contents of "dir1" through "dir1-sym" as if they were the same directory.
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